The Thursday Owl - December 9, 2021


The all-new Alcott Spirit Wear Store is here! Our first online school spirit wear store is live! Check out the store under the Support tab of the Alcott PTG website to find the latest and greatest Alcott wear. Alcott PTG receives 10% back on all items purchased throughout the school year so consider purchasing an item today! Please note that Items ordered may be delivered in time for the holidays but please check the website for more information on potential shipping delays.

Save The Date: Saturday, February 12, 2022--METCO Family Friends Frog Pond Skating event! Come to the Boston Common Frog Pond from 2pm - 4pm, Saturday, Feb. 12, for a bit of winter fun with the community, on skates! METCO Family Friends is sponsoring this wonderful event. Please contact METCO Academic Liaison Savaughn Dickerson ( if you are interested in attending.

Second-dose COVID-19 vaccine for CPS district students: Second doses for district students vaccinated on November 17 will take place on Monday, December 13, 4:00pm - 9:00pm at the Concord Carlisle High School cafeteria. Please be sure to bring your child's vaccination card with you.

Click HERE to schedule an appointment for the Dec. 13 second-dose COVID-19 vaccination clinic.

Alcott Lost & Found items will be DONATED on Wednesday, 12/22/21
Please have your student check for any missing belongings at the Alcott Lost & Found (located in the cafeteria hallway) BEFORE Wednesday, December 22nd. Any questions or requests can be sent to

Winter is coming! Are you planning on buying gifts, cards and mementos on Amazon, Tiny Prints, Shutterfly or Minted? The winter season and holiday gift-giving are around the corner. You can support your Alcott PTG while taking care of all of your gift and photo needs!

  • Shop on using the code FUNDRAISEALCOTT to receive 20% OFF your order + give 15% back to the Alcott PTG!

  • Shop on Shutterfly & TinyPrints through our storefront - and they will donate 8% of your order back to the Alcott PTG!

  • Shop on the "AmazonSmile" page and the AmazonSmile Foundation will donate 0.5% of all qualifying purchases to a charitable organization of your choice. There is no catch and no extra fees; just designate “Alcott School Parent Teacher Group Inc” as your charity, then shop through the “AmazonSmile” link:

Share the code and storefront link with friends and family to help make our fundraiser a success!

The Concord Middle School Coats for Kids Club needs your help! Their annual Anton’s Cleaners Coats for Kids drive is NOW UNDERWAY! The goal this year is to collect 300 coats! Please consider donating any gently-used coats in good condition by sending them to Alcott with your child. The drop-off box is next to the office. We accept any size coat, from infant snowsuits to oversized adult, but please do not donate clothing other than winter coats – no sweatshirts, raincoats, vests, scarves, hats, gloves, mittens or snow pants. The drive runs until January 8th, 2022. If you get a new coat for the winter, consider donating your old coat to Coats for Kids. Thank you very much for your generosity!

***Every Wednesday is now a half-day***

Dec 23: Half-day (12:30pm dismissal)
Dec 24-31: Winter Recess (NO SCHOOL)

CPS/CCRSD 21-22 School Calendar can be found here


Help support Afghan refugee families. Open Table Food Pantry is in urgent need of donations to support over 30 Afghan refugee families. The foods needed to aid these refugees are not in stock but are needed now. Click HERE for the complete list and further details. Donations will be collected through the end of January 2022. Questions may be directed to Your support is greatly appreciated!

New Year’s Eve Girls Basketball Clinic - Sponsored by CCHS Girls Basketball CCHS Varsity Coach Amy Davagian, her coaching staff and Varsity players are offering a clinic on December 31 from 9 a.m. – 12 p.m. for girls in grades 1-8. All proceeds benefit the CCHS Girls Basketball program directly. Register HERE.

Annual Christmas Tree Pickup : Saturday, January 8 (reserve by January 3) Concord Scout Troop 132 and the CC-Catholic Youth Ministry Concord Scout Troop 132 are again organizing their annual Christmas Tree Pickup! After the holidays, we will be collecting Christmas trees for recycling at the town composting site. Please note: trees can only be picked up from Concord locations.
Pickup Date: Saturday, Jan 8, 2022
Pickup Time: Starts at 8:00am.
Cost: Donation of $20-25 per tree (Paypal, check)
Deadline for reservation Mon, Jan 3 by 8pm.
Please register HERE. More information at, or 978-254-0978.

COAR Discussion Group, Mon Dec 13, 2021, 7:30pm-9pm. COAR (Communities Organizing Against Racism) was founded by Thoreau parents looking to share experiences, learn, take action, and engage in courageous conversations about race with each other and with our children. COAR offers a monthly learning and discussion group open to all. Our next meeting will be Monday, December 13, at 7:30pm (on Zoom). We will focus on the concept of intersectionality and the evening will include a Q&A with CMS Social Studies teacher Joe Meyer. Check out to learn more, or email to join the conversation!

Concord Conservatory of Music:

Symphonic Exploration Friday, December 10th, 7:00 pm
Lecture presented by Sepehr Pirasteh, which will be held at the Concord COA. Be prepared to explore the depths of some of the greatest symphonies ever composed, and learn how the symphony evolved from the 18th to the 20th century. We encourage students to bring their instrument to sightread simple melodies that Sepehr has arranged from different music eras. Sepehr will conduct participating musicians in an orchestral setting, and students will learn firsthand from an experienced conductor! Purchase $15 tickets HERE or pay at the door. Free for kids 18 and under.

Last days to Bid, Bid, Bid to support the music programs in Concord grades 4-8! Do you see braces in your child’s future? Would you love to try out the Thoreau Club or the Beede Center as a New Year’s Resolution? Want to get away for a ski weekend or a night at the Bruins so close you can see the fire in their eyes? Is your child determined to shine in the Concord Rec Musical Theater Experience but you might not get them into the coveted class if you don’t click fast? The Concord Association of Music Parents (Concord AMP) has launched its annual online auction at We are especially thrilled that Heart Orthodontics in West Concord, has donated a complete orthodontic treatment (value $6800). Please support our student musicians, and bid now, until Friday December 17!

Events and Updates from CONCORD RECREATION:
Programs @ Alcott (Registration now open)
-String Orchestra (Fridays beginning 1/12/22 @ 8:00am) Festival String Orchestra before or after school program is for students who have been studying basic skills since September and can play Twinkle Twinkle (#43 in the book) by January. The program is suitable for 4th year beginner students or second year + players (5th) graders. Join to further develop your ensemble playing skills on your string instrument. It's fun to make music all together! The final product will be sound recorded and emailed to the parents.

-Engineering Workshop (Mondays beginning 1/24/22 @ 3:30pm) Wicked Cool engineers will be put to the task to build things that go. Explore the engineering and design process to build balloon powered cars, hovercrafts, and magnet powered JunkBots. 

-Kids Test Kitchen (Thursdays beginning 3/3/22 @ 3:30pm) Each class presents students with an opportunity to explore new or familiar foods in their raw, unmanipulated state. Then, working as a team, we’ll slice, dice, peel, measure, and cook until we’ve prepared the finished dish. Lessons are planned to celebrate seasonal produce – warm you on a cold winter day and offer ideas for quick and healthy family meals. At the end of class your aspiring chef will receive the main ingredient, or a sample of the finished dish, and the recipe so that they can show off what they’ve learned!

Boredom Busters - NYE!  Looking for a fun activity kit to pass the time over break? Our boredom buster includes a time capsule complete with decorations and ideas for content, noise makers, poppers and a stem activity.
SkyHawks Mini Sport (Ages 4-6)  This multi-sport program was developed to give children a positive first step into athletics. Sports are taught in a safe, structured environment filled with encouragement and fun. Through exciting games and activities, participants explore balance, hand/eye coordination and skill development at their own pace.
SkyHawks Multi Sport (Ages 7-9)  This t-ball, basketball, and soccer class uses age-appropriate games and activities to explore balance, hand-eye coordination, and skill development.  Skyhawks provides a wide variety of fun, safe, and positive programs that emphasize critical lessons in sports and life; such as teamwork, respect and sportsmanship!

Beede Swim and Fitness Center’s Winter Vacation Program
December 27, 2021 – December 30, 2021
Looking to swim and play over December vacation week? Join us at Concord Recreation’s Beede Swim and Fitness Center for a week of all things aquatics! Participants grades K-5 will have the opportunity daily to participate in free swim, aquatics games, use aquatics props (kiddie pool spray features, diving boards, water slide, etc), do aquatics-based crafts, and more!  Participants will be supervised by three camp staff and lifeguards as they get to enjoy all things Beede aquatics!

IMSCC's Music Lessons are up and running and enrollment is ongoing for the fall session! New students can start lessons at any time; all levels and all ages are welcome. Instructors are available for all band and orchestra instruments, voice, guitar, ukulele, electric bass, and piano. Families have a choice of in-person or remote lessons. Click here to request lessons, or here for more information about IMSCC. Questions? email Debbie Levine.  Registration for the Winter/Spring session starting in January starts up next month!

The Thursday Owl - December 2, 2021


Turkey Trot Deadline: The final day to donate to the Turkey Trot is this Friday December 3. All pledges can be sent in to classroom teachers or donated electronically via the PTG website and Turkey Trot event page. Mr. G will be presenting the checks to the Open Table and Concord Recreation Scholarship fund before Winter Break.

Superintendent Hunter announces second-dose COVID-19 vaccine scheduling for CPS district students: Second doses for the students vaccinated on November 10 and November 17 can now be scheduled. Please note the location has changed to CCHS to allow for ease of parking. Please be sure to bring your child's vaccination card with you.

Click HERE to schedule appointments for either 12/1 or 12/13 second-dose COVID-19 vaccination clinic:

Wednesday 12/1
Concord Carlisle High School Cafeteria
500 Walden Street
Concord, MA
4:00pm – 9:00pm (2nd dose clinic for 11/10 clinic)

Monday 12/13
Concord Carlisle High School Cafeteria
500 Walden Street
Concord, MA

4:00pm – 9:00pm (2nd dose clinic for 11/17 clinic)

Winter is coming! Are you planning on buying gifts, cards and mementos on Amazon, Tiny Prints, Shutterfly or Minted? The winter season and holiday gift-giving are around the corner. You can support your Alcott PTG while taking care of all of your gift and photo needs!

  • Shop on using the code FUNDRAISEALCOTT to receive 20% OFF your order + give 15% back to the Alcott PTG!

  • Shop on Shutterfly & TinyPrints through our storefront - and they will donate 8% of your order back to the Alcott PTG!

  • Shop on the "AmazonSmile" page and the AmazonSmile Foundation will donate 0.5% of all qualifying purchases to a charitable organization of your choice. There is no catch and no extra fees; just designate “Alcott School Parent Teacher Group Inc” as your charity, then shop through the “AmazonSmile” link:

Share the code and storefront link with friends and family to help make our fundraiser a success!

The Concord Middle School Coats for Kids Club needs your help! Their annual Anton’s Cleaners Coats for Kids drive is NOW UNDERWAY! The goal this year is to collect 300 coats! Please consider donating any gently-used coats in good condition by sending them to Alcott with your child. The drop-off box is next to the office. We accept any size coat, from infant snowsuits to oversized adult, but please do not donate clothing other than winter coats – no sweatshirts, raincoats, vests, scarves, hats, gloves, mittens or snow pants. The drive runs until January 8th, 2022. If you get a new coat for the winter, consider donating your old coat to Coats for Kids. Thank you very much for your generosity!

***Every Wednesday is now a half-day***

Dec 23: Half-day (12:30pm dismissal)
Dec 24-31: Winter Recess (NO SCHOOL)

CPS/CCRSD 21-22 School Calendar can be found here


Concord Tree Lighting
All are welcome at the Town of Concord's Annual Tree Lighting on Sunday, December 5th from 3:00pm-6:00pm. This year's event will be host to a variety of outdoor entertainment, a parade and festive store fronts. Santa will make his way down Main Street aboard one of Concord's Fire Trucks to light the Town Tree.

PROGRAMS AT ALCOTT  Registration opens December 8 @ 7:30am

String Orchestra (Fridays beginning 1/12/22 @ 8:00am) Festival String Orchestra before or after school program is for students who have been studying basic skills since September and can play Twinkle Twinkle (#43 in the book) by January. The program is suitable for 4th year beginner students or second year +  players (5th) graders.  Join to further develop your ensemble playing skills on your string instrument. It's fun to make music all together! The final product will be sound recorded and emailed to the parents.

Engineering Workshop (Mondays beginning 1/24/22 @ 3:30pm)Wicked Cool engineers will be put to the task to build things that go. Explore the engineering and design process to build balloon powered cars, hovercrafts, and magnet powered JunkBots. 

Kids Test Kitchen (Thursdays beginning 3/3/22 @ 3:30pm)
Each class presents students with an opportunity to explore new or familiar foods in their raw, unmanipulated state. Then, working as a team, we’ll slice, dice, peel, measure, and cook until we’ve prepared the finished dish. Lessons are planned to celebrate seasonal produce – warm you on a cold winter day and offer ideas for quick and healthy family meals. At the end of class your aspiring chef will receive the main ingredient, or a sample of the finished dish, and the recipe so that they can show off what they’ve learned!

SkyHawks Mini Sport (Ages 4-6)This multi-sport program was developed to give children a positive first step into athletics. Sports are taught in a safe, structured environment filled with encouragement and fun. Through exciting games and activities, participants explore balance, hand/eye coordination and skill development at their own pace.

SkyHawks Multi Sport (Ages 7-9)This t-ball, basketball, and soccer class uses age-appropriate games and activities to explore balance, hand-eye coordination, and skill development.  Skyhawks provides a wide variety of fun, safe, and positive programs that emphasize critical lessons in sports and life; such as teamwork, respect and sportsmanship!

Beede Swim and Fitness Center’s Winter Vacation Program
December 27, 2021 – December 30, 2021
Looking to swim and play over December vacation week? Join us at Concord Recreation’s Beede Swim and Fitness Center for a week of all things aquatics! Participants grades K-5 will have the opportunity daily to participate in free swim, aquatics games, use aquatics props (kiddie pool spray features, diving boards, water slide, etc), do aquatics-based crafts, and more!  Participants will be supervised by three camp staff and lifeguards as they get to enjoy all things Beede aquatics!


IMSCC Music Lessons
The Winter/Spring session of music lessons with IMSCC begins in January! Enrollment opens on December 6. All levels and all ages are welcome, including adults. Expert instruction is available for all band and orchestra instruments, voice, guitar, ukulele, electric bass, and piano. This year families have a choice of in-person or remote instruction. In-person lessons are located at CCHS and the Carlisle public school campus and follow school district music protocols for Covid safety. 
Click here to request lessons, or here for more information about IMSCC. Questions? Email Debbie Levine.


Please visit this space for updates on sports, music and theater registration dates, seminars, and more events throughout town.

PTG online volunteer information and sign-up: Please visit our website to discover all the ways both working and non-working parents and guardians are needed to support our wonderful staff, students, and families. Have something to offer that you don’t see listed there? There’s a place for you to submit that info as well! We hope to hear from you!

The Thursday Owl - November 25, 2021


On a chilly morning last week, the entire Alcott team of staff, faculty, administrators and transportation folks were greeted with delicious pastries, hot beverages and a sincere show of gratitude for their incredible season of hard work and dedication. We love our Alcott team and we said it with carbs, caffeine and camaraderie! Many thanks to our Staff Appreciation chairs, Sarah Flynn and Hilary Drake, for making this wonderful morning happen, and to our Alcott community donors, whose generosity to the PTG fund paid for this event, and a few more to come!


HAPPY THANKSGIVING, ALCOTT COMMUNITY! We hope that all of our students, faculty and staff have a wonderful Thanksgiving break with their families! Enjoy this time off and we will see you on Monday, November 29th.

Superintendent Hunter announces second-dose COVID-19 vaccine scheduling for CPS district students: Second doses for the students vaccinated on November 10 and November 17 can now be scheduled. Please note the location has changed to CCHS to allow for ease of parking. Please be sure to bring your child's vaccination card with you.

Click HERE to schedule appointments for either 12/1 or 12/13 second-dose COVID-19 vaccination clinic:

Wednesday 12/1
Concord Carlisle High School Cafeteria
500 Walden Street
Concord, MA
4:00pm – 9:00pm (2nd dose clinic for 11/10 clinic)

Monday 12/13
Concord Carlisle High School Cafeteria
500 Walden Street
Concord, MA

4:00pm – 9:00pm (2nd dose clinic for 11/17 clinic)

Still accepting TURKEY TROT pledges!
The deadline for pledges is Monday, December 6th. Students can bring their pledges into their classroom teachers and they will be sent down to the office. You may also DONATE via PayPal or check (payable to "Alcott PTG," which will transfer all funds to the charities). For more information visit the site.

Let's beat our 2020 total of $1,200! All of our pledge donations will be processed and sent to our charitable recipients (Open Table and Concord Recreation Scholarship Fund). Go, Alcott!

Haven't had time to donate to the PTG's Staff Appreciation efforts yet? No problem! While the November Staff Appreciation Breakfast is just a pleasant memory, there are several plans in the works for the rest of the school year to celebrate the Alcott team's hard work and dedication, and we need your help to make it happen. Did you know Staff Appreciation is one of the many efforts supported by your PTG Dues? If you haven't contributed yet, or would like to help even more, please take a moment to do so here: Donate to the Alcott PTG

While the pandemic may be shifting some of the ways we can say thank you, it has also shown how much our school staff does for our kids and our families. It may be harder to give our thanks in person, but let's be sure our staff know what they mean to us. Thanks for your support!

Winter is coming! Are you planning on buying gifts, cards and mementos on Amazon, Tiny Prints, Shutterfly or Minted? The winter season and holiday gift-giving are around the corner. You can support your Alcott PTG while taking care of all of your gift and photo needs!

  • Shop on using the code FUNDRAISEALCOTT to receive 20% OFF your order + give 15% back to the Alcott PTG!

  • Shop on Shutterfly & TinyPrints through our storefront - and they will donate 8% of your order back to the Alcott PTG!

  • Shop on the "AmazonSmile" page and the AmazonSmile Foundation will donate 0.5% of all qualifying purchases to a charitable organization of your choice. There is no catch and no extra fees; just designate “Alcott School Parent Teacher Group Inc” as your charity, then shop through the “AmazonSmile” link:

Share the code and storefront link with friends and family to help make our fundraiser a success!

The Concord Middle School Coats for Kids Club needs your help! Their annual Anton’s Cleaners Coats for Kids drive is NOW UNDERWAY! The goal this year is to collect 300 coats! Please consider donating any gently-used coats in good condition by sending them to Alcott with your child. The drop-off box is next to the office. We accept any size coat, from infant snowsuits to oversized adult, but please do not donate clothing other than winter coats – no sweatshirts, raincoats, vests, scarves, hats, gloves, mittens or snow pants. The drive runs until January 8th, 2022. If you get a new coat for the winter, consider donating your old coat to Coats for Kids. Thank you very much for your generosity!

***Every Wednesday is now a half-day***

Nov 25-26: Thanksgiving Recess (NO SCHOOL)
Dec 23: Half-day (12:30pm dismissal)
Dec 24-31: Winter Recess (NO SCHOOL)

CPS/CCRSD 21-22 School Calendar can be found here


Looking for some community service to do with your kids in this season of giving? Your friends at the Auxiliary of Emerson Hospital invite you to craft a handmade card for a patient, hospital staff, or anyone else this November and beyond. The Auxiliary's annual Tree of Lights is also something you can do as a family; donate a light or a star in tribute to someone special, and think about them each time you drive by the hospital's illuminated tree this winter-- we'll also send you or your honoree an acknowledgement in the mail. Click HERE for more info on the cards, and HERE for more info on the lights. Thank you!

The Concord Free Public Library will host a free reading of the classic tale, The Nutcracker, on Wednesday, December 8th at 4:30 pm. Several ballet dancers from the Commonwealth Ballet Company will help bring the story to life in their elegant and colorful costumes as the story is read aloud. This is a wonderful opportunity for children to see and meet their favorite characters from the beloved holiday tale. The dancers will be available to answer questions and pose for photos with the children after the reading. This program is recommended for children ages 4-10. Registration not required.

Concord Conservatory of Music:
Symphonic Exploration Friday, December 10th, 7:00 pm
Lecture presented by Sepehr Pirasteh, which will be held at the Concord COA. Be prepared to explore the depths of some of the greatest symphonies ever composed, and learn how the symphony evolved from the 18th to the 20th century. We encourage students to bring their instrument to sightread simple melodies that Sepehr has arranged from different music eras. Sepehr will conduct participating musicians in an orchestral setting, and students will learn firsthand from an experienced conductor! Purchase $15 tickets HERE or pay at the door. Free for kids 18 and under.

Concord AMP Auction to support the music programs! The Concord Association of Music Parents (Concord AMP) has launched its annual online auction at Concord AMP is a parent-led volunteer organization that raises money to support the music performing programs (band, chorus and orchestra) in the Concord Public Schools. The auction includes homemade treats, exclusive gifts, and sought-after services. Please support our student musicians, and bid now, until December 17!

Events and Updates from CONCORD RECREATION:
Beede Swim and Fitness Center’s Winter Vacation Program
December 27, 2021 – December 30, 2021

Looking to swim and play over December vacation week? Join us at Concord Recreation’s Beede Swim and Fitness Center for a week of all things aquatics! Participants grades K-5 will have the opportunity daily to participate in free swim, aquatics games, use aquatics props (kiddie pool spray features, diving boards, water slide, etc), do aquatics-based crafts, and more!  Participants will be supervised by three camp staff and lifeguards as they get to enjoy all things Beede aquatics!

Annie – Musical Theater Experience Monday Cast
For over 25 years, Elaine Jarvis and Jen Jarvis and the Musical Theater Experience staff have offered children the opportunity for children in grades 1-5 to learn and then perform for family and friends, an age appropriate version of both original and well known musicals. Emphasis is on building self-confidence and self-esteem. No auditions or experience is necessary and everyone gets a part, along with singing and dancing. Annie will take place at Willard School.

Concord Tree Lighting
All are welcome at the Town of Concord's Annual Tree Lighting on Sunday, December 5th from 3:00 - 6:00pm.  This year's event will be host to a variety of outdoor entertainment, a parade and festive store fronts. Santa will make his way down Main Street aboard one of Concord's Fire Trucks to light the Town Tree.

Chanukah Celebration and Menorah Lighting in Concord
The Town of Concord and Congregation Karem Shalom presents A CHANUKAH CELEBRATION AND MENORAH LIGHTING on Wednesday, December 1, 2021 from 4:30 - 6:00 pm.  Meet on the Concord Youth Theatre lawn at 53 Church Street in West Concord.

Programs @ Alcott (Registration opens December 8 @ 7:30am)
String Orchestra (Fridays beginning 1/12/22 @ 8:00am)--Festival String Orchestra before or after school program is for students who have been studying basic skills since September and can play Twinkle Twinkle (#43 in the book) by January. The program is suitable for 4th year beginner students or second year + players (5th) graders. Join to further develop your ensemble playing skills on your string instrument. It's fun to make music all together! The final product will be sound recorded and emailed to the parents.

Engineering Workshop (Mondays beginning 1/24/22 @ 3:30pm)--Wicked Cool engineers will be put to the task to build things that go. Explore the engineering and design process to build balloon powered cars, hovercrafts, and magnet powered JunkBots. 

Kids Test Kitchen (Thursdays beginning 3/3/22 @ 3:30pm)--Each class presents students with an opportunity to explore new or familiar foods in their raw, unmanipulated state. Then, working as a team, we’ll slice, dice, peel, measure, and cook until we’ve prepared the finished dish. Lessons are planned to celebrate seasonal produce – warm you on a cold winter day and offer ideas for quick and healthy family meals. At the end of class your aspiring chef will receive the main ingredient, or a sample of the finished dish, and the recipe so that they can show off what they’ve learned!

Code Wiz (online)--Code Wiz offers a variety of classes including Minecraft Coding, Game Based Python, and Game Development. The framework promotes a vision in which all students critically engage in computer science issues; approach problems in innovative ways; and create computational artifacts with a practical, personal, or societal intent.

GGLeagues – Esports (online)--You can safely play your favorite games (Madden 21, Fortnite, Rocket League, Super Smash Bros) in a competitive league, or one off major event. Building Community Through Gaming: We believe the beauty of esports is the ability to make friends, build relationships, and connect with your community. GGLeagues provides esports leagues and infrastructure to empower communities with the goal of connecting gamers with each other.

IMSCC's Music Lessons are up and running and enrollment is ongoing for the fall session! New students can start lessons at any time; all levels and all ages are welcome. Instructors are available for all band and orchestra instruments, voice, guitar, ukulele, electric bass, and piano. Families have a choice of in-person or remote lessons. Click here to request lessons, or here for more information about IMSCC. Questions? email Debbie Levine.  Registration for the Winter/Spring session starting in January starts up next month!