The Thursday Owl - January 27, 2022


Show your favorite Alcott teachers and staff members how much you care with a rose this Valentine's Day. Last year, families showered the Alcott team with love in the form of beautiful, long-stemmed roses--600 of them!

Watch for info on ordering coming next week. Roses are $5 each and help support our PTG. Ordering will be open from Tuesday, February 1 through Thursday, February 10.

Don't miss the chance to help our community feel the love this Valentine's Day!

PTG Winter Open Meeting - Wednesday, February 9, 2022, 7:00pm via Zoom

Please join us for our winter Open PTG Meeting via Zoom, on Wednesday, February 9th at 7:00 pm. We will be discussing current school-wide initiatives, as well as future events and plans for the Alcott School students, staff and community. Thank you to our parents, guardians and families for your amazing support during this remarkable school year. We look forward to seeing you there!

Alcott PTG is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Alcott PTG - Winter Open Meeting
Time: Feb 9, 2022 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 861 1362 2598
Passcode: 024505

METCO Family Friends - Frog Pond Skating event, Saturday, February 12, 2022: Come to the Boston Common Frog Pond from 2pm - 4pm, Saturday, Feb. 12, for a bit of winter fun with the community, on skates! METCO Family Friends is sponsoring this wonderful event. Please see the informational flyer below and click HEREfor the live link to register. Please contact METCO Academic Liaison Savaughn Dickerson ( if you have any questions.

ALCOTT WEAR: Outfit yourself for winter and show off your Alcott spirit!
Our first online school spirit wear store is live! Check out the store under the Support tab of the Alcott PTG website or click HERE to find the latest and greatest Alcott wear. Alcott PTG receives 10% back on all items purchased throughout the school year so consider purchasing an item today!

ALCOTT CHESS CLUB - Alcott Chess Club has begun, but it's not too late to enroll your child. We always have room to teach one more child how to play chess. So, what do you say? Come and play!! We meet Thursday mornings, at 8 a.m. in the Faculty Lounge. Children enter via the door on the right by the auditorium. We strictly adhere to Covid protocols. Please email or call Ken Belt at (617) 332-4483 for any questions.

A NOTE FROM THE NURSE'S OFFICE: If your student has received both doses of the Covid -19 vaccine, please provide documentation to the Alcott nurse's office. You may send in a hard copy, fax (978-318-9545), or take a photo/scan and email to Nurse Amante ( Thank you!

***Every Wednesday is now a half-day***

Feb 21- 25: February Recess (NO SCHOOL)
Feb 28: Classes resume
Apr 7: K-5 conferences

CPS/CCRSD 21-22 School Calendar can be found here


Play With Your Food! Virtual Wellness Event for Families
Join the Auxiliary of Emerson Hospital on Thursday, January 27 at 7:00 pm for a KID-FRIENDLY event in our wellness series! We’ll have fun together learning how to deepen family connections through shared meal prep; playful, creative and meaningful experiences at the table; and holistic wellness. There will be opportunity for Q&A as well as practical tips for creating movement and play in everyday life, including in the kitchen! For more information on the wonderful line-up of panelists and to register for this Zoom webinar link, click HERE.


The Listening Project—it’s a community-wide opportunity for people to expand their musical horizons and grow their listening skills. Think book club, but for listening to music! Each month, CCM will provide a thrilling playlist that can be found on both Spotify and YouTube, which can be accessed from CCM’s website will also have background information on each piece and questions to think about while you’re listening. Get introduced to new music and genres and become an active listener. January’s Listening Project playlist is already on the CCM websiteSign-up at to receive monthly alerts.

Arabic Music complimentary online lecture, Jan. 27th - Explore the beautiful and diverse sounds of Arabic music with guest lecturer Layth Sidiq. Join us online on Thursday, January 27 at 7:00 pm when Layth, an award-winning violinist, composer, educator, and the artistic director of the New York Arabic Orchestra, presents an exciting music history lecture. Register HERE by 5 pm on January 27th to receive the link.

Shamrock Ball (3/12/22) Register – Tuesday, February 1st at 7:30am
Camp Three Rivers - Registration opens Wednesday, February 9th at 7:30am
*** Visit for more details ***

Skyhawks Multi-Sport (Ages 7-9, Mondays @ 5:15pm beginning 1/24) This t-ball, basketball, and soccer class uses age-appropriate games and activities to explore balance, hand-eye coordination, and skill development. Skyhawks provides a wide variety of fun, safe, and positive programs that emphasize critical lessons in sports and life; such as teamwork, respect and sportsmanship!

Skyhawks Floor Hockey (Ages 7-12, Mondays @ 5:15pm beginning 3/7) Come join us and learn the skills of hockey!  From stick handling to passing and shooting, we will develop and enhance the abilities to play the fastest game on (ice) the floor!

February Vacation Week Need childcare during February vacation? The February Vacation Program (Grades K-5) is from 8:00am to 6:00pm at Hunt Recreation Center from 2/22-2/25. (Participants must bring lunch unless noted) $100 per day per person. Registration open to general public. First come, first serve basis. This program has NO AFFILIATION with Concord Recreation’s Before or Afterschool Program.

CC YOUTH BASEBALL/SOFTBALL Registration for the Spring Season is open from JAN 1 - JAN 31.  Building on an incredibly successful programming and record numbers in 2021, CCYB/S is offering robust programming from T-Ball through Babe Ruth. Don’t miss out on baseball and softball’s showcase season! REGISTER NOW!

Music lessons with IMSCC - The Winter-Spring session of music lessons starts this month! We welcome new students of all ages and all levels, including adults. Expert instructors are available for all band and orchestra instruments as well as voice, guitar, ukulele, electric bass, and piano. During this time families have a choice of in-person or remote lessons. In-person lessons are located at CCHS and the Carlisle public school campus and follow school district music protocols for Covid safety. Click here to request lessons, or here for more information about IMSCC. Questions? email Debbie Levine. We look forward to working with you!

Please visit this space for updates on sports, music and theater registration dates, seminars, and more events throughout town.

The Thursday Owl - January 20, 2022


ALCOTT CHESS CLUB - Alcott Chess Club has begun, but it's not too late to enroll your child. We always have room to teach one more child how to play chess. So, what do you say? Come and play!! We meet Thursday mornings, at 8 a.m. in the Faculty Lounge. Children enter via the door on the right by the auditorium. We strictly adhere to Covid protocols. Please email or call Ken Belt at (617) 332-4483 for any questions.

METCO Family Friends - Frog Pond Skating event, Saturday, February 12, 2022: Come to the Boston Common Frog Pond from 2pm - 4pm, Saturday, Feb. 12, for a bit of winter fun with the community, on skates! METCO Family Friends is sponsoring this wonderful event. Please see the informational flyer below and click HERE for the live link to register. Please contact METCO Academic Liaison Savaughn Dickerson ( if you have any questions.

A NOTE FROM NURSE AMANTE: If your student has received both doses of the Covid -19 vaccine, please provide documentation to the Alcott nurse's office. You may send in a hard copy, fax (978-318-9545), or take a photo/scan and email to Nurse Amante ( Thank you!

ALCOTT WEAR: Outfit yourself for winter and show off your Alcott spirit!
Our first online school spirit wear store is live! Check out the store under the Support tab of the Alcott PTG website or click HERE to find the latest and greatest Alcott wear. Alcott PTG receives 10% back on all items purchased throughout the school year so consider purchasing an item today!

***Every Wednesday is now a half-day***
Feb 21- 25: February Recess (NO SCHOOL)
CPS/CCRSD 21-22 School Calendar can be found here


Mothers Out Front Concord is leading a Get Out the Vote campaign for the new sustainable Concord Middle School building, which will be voted on at a Special Town Meeting TODAY January 20th. Please note that childcare will be provided by Concord Rec for kids ages 2.5-12 years of age. Pre-registration is required. For more information on this campaign, click HERE.

Public Speaking & Debate Summer Camps (Grades 4-10). Give your child the opportunity to meet new friends, develop critical thinking skills, and practice their public speaking in a fun, low-pressure learning environment! Lumos teaches debate through fun games and activities that students love. And the instructors are friendly, warm, and great at making public speaking exciting! Choose your dates and register now at: to avoid the waitlist.


The Listening Project—it’s a community-wide opportunity for people to expand their musical horizons and grow their listening skills. Think book club, but for listening to music! Each month, CCM will provide a thrilling playlist that can be found on both Spotify and YouTube, which can be accessed from CCM’s website will also have background information on each piece and questions to think about while you’re listening. Get introduced to new music and genres and become an active listener. January’s Listening Project playlist is already on the CCM websiteSign-up at to receive monthly alerts.

Arabic Music complimentary online lecture, Jan. 27th - Explore the beautiful and diverse sounds of Arabic music with guest lecturer Layth Sidiq. Join us online on Thursday, January 27 at 7:00 pm when Layth, an award-winning violinist, composer, educator, and the artistic director of the New York Arabic Orchestra, presents an exciting music history lecture. Register HERE by 5 pm on January 27th to receive the link.

Children's group classes offer a collaborative setting with others who share your love of music. It’s an opportunity to receive excellent music instruction that balances rigor with the joy and fun of creating music. Small classes for your kids gives each student individual attention, yet learning in a social experience. We encourage registering as soon as possible due to maximum enrollment per group class and check out all our offerings.
MUSIC MAKERS for 3-year-olds
MUSICAL GATEWAY for 4 and 5-year-olds
BEGINNER VOCALS for ages 6 - 8
RHYTHMIC SOLFÈGE for ages 6 - 9
Introduce your young kids to music complete with dancing and creative games fostering fantastic growth and development. Financial assistance is available.

Shamrock Ball (3/12/22) Register – Tuesday, February 1st at 7:30am
Camp Three Rivers - Registration opens Wednesday, February 9th at 7:30am
*** Visit for more details ***

Skyhawks Multi-Sport (Ages 7-9, Mondays @ 5:15pm beginning 1/24) This t-ball, basketball, and soccer class uses age-appropriate games and activities to explore balance, hand-eye coordination, and skill development. Skyhawks provides a wide variety of fun, safe, and positive programs that emphasize critical lessons in sports and life; such as teamwork, respect and sportsmanship!

Skyhawks Floor Hockey (Ages 7-12, Mondays @ 5:15pm beginning 3/7) Come join us and learn the skills of hockey!  From stick handling to passing and shooting, we will develop and enhance the abilities to play the fastest game on (ice) the floor!

February Vacation Week Need childcare during February vacation? The February Vacation Program (Grades K-5) is from 8:00am to 6:00pm at Hunt Recreation Center from 2/22-2/25. (Participants must bring lunch unless noted) $100 per day per person. Registration open to general public. First come, first serve basis. This program has NO AFFILIATION with Concord Recreation’s Before or Afterschool Program.

CC YOUTH BASEBALL/SOFTBALL Registration for the Spring Season is open from JAN 1 - JAN 31.  Building on an incredibly successful programming and record numbers in 2021, CCYB/S is offering robust programming from T-Ball through Babe Ruth. Don’t miss out on baseball and softball’s showcase season! REGISTER NOW!

Music lessons with IMSCC - The Winter-Spring session of music lessons starts this month! We welcome new students of all ages and all levels, including adults. Expert instructors are available for all band and orchestra instruments as well as voice, guitar, ukulele, electric bass, and piano. During this time families have a choice of in-person or remote lessons. In-person lessons are located at CCHS and the Carlisle public school campus and follow school district music protocols for Covid safety. Click here to request lessons, or here for more information about IMSCC. Questions? email Debbie Levine. We look forward to working with you!

Please visit this space for updates on sports, music and theater registration dates, seminars, and more events throughout town.

The Thursday Owl - January 13, 2022

ALCOTT TAKES ON FRIGID TEMPERATURES! Brrrr! Many thanks to our tireless Alcott team of transportation professionals, faculty, staff, facilities management, administration and Nurse Amante for continuing to provide a wonderful school experience for our students during this week's extreme, almost-Arctic temperatures!


A NOTE FROM NURSE AMANTE: If your student has received both doses of the Covid -19 vaccine, please provide documentation to the Alcott nurse's office. You may send in a hard copy, fax (978-318-9545), or take a photo/scan and email to Nurse Amante ( Thank you!

METCO Family Friends - Frog Pond Skating event, Saturday, February 12, 2022: Come to the Boston Common Frog Pond from 2pm - 4pm, Saturday, Feb. 12, for a bit of winter fun with the community, on skates! METCO Family Friends is sponsoring this wonderful event. Please see the informational flyer below and click HERE for the live link to register. Please contact METCO Academic Liaison Savaughn Dickerson ( if you have any questions.

Alcott Chess Club: The fun begins Thursday, January 20, 8 a.m. in the Faculty Lounge for 50 minutes. Children enter via the door to the right in front of the auditorium, wash hands and proceed to the game room. The club convenes weekly for 10 weeks through March 31. Click HERE for information. Any questions, please email, or call Ken Belt at (617) 332-4483. (All District COVID protocols are implemented.) ALCOTT WEAR: Outfit yourself for winter and show off your Alcott spirit!

Our first online school spirit wear store is live! Check out the store under the Support tab of the Alcott PTG website or click HERE to find the latest and greatest Alcott wear. Alcott PTG receives 10% back on all items purchased throughout the school year so consider purchasing an item today!

***Every Wednesday is now a half-day***

Jan 17: Martin Luther King Jr Day (NO SCHOOL)
Feb 21: Presidents Day (NO SCHOOL)
Feb 21- 25: February Recess (NO SCHOOL)

CPS/CCRSD 21-22 School Calendar can be found here


Thurs, Jan. 20, 2022, 7:00 pm @ Concord-Carlisle High School

The Special Town Meeting warrant posted on November 12, 2021 and can be found HERE. There is one article on the Special Town Meeting Warrant: appropriate a sum of money for the construction of a new middle school. The Concord Middle School Building Committee, whose charge was approved by the Select Board, has been providing periodic updates to the public. Its website can be accessed HERE, and includes project updates, meeting minutes, presentations on design and schematics, and recordings of public forums. Please consider attending to cast your vote.

  • Extensive COVID mitigations

  • Free childcare (register HERE)

  • Fully accessible

For more information on the proposed building project, attend one of the last two Building Committee virtual “Coffees”:

  • Thursday, January 13 at 7:00pm

  • Wednesday, January 19 at 1:00pm

Zoom links can be found HERE.

Mothers Out Front Concord is leading a Get Out the Vote campaign for the new sustainable Concord Middle School building, which will be voted on at a Special Town Meeting on Thursday, January 20th. Please note that childcare will be provided by Concord Rec for kids ages 2.5-12 years of age. Pre-registration is required. For more information on this campaign, click HERE.

Arabic Music complimentary online lecture, Jan. 27th - Explore the beautiful and diverse sounds of Arabic music with guest lecturer Layth Sidiq. Join us online on Thursday, January 27 at 7:00 pm when Layth, an award-winning violinist, composer, educator, and the artistic director of the New York Arabic Orchestra, presents an exciting music history lecture. Register HERE by 5 pm on January 27th to receive the link.

Children's group classes offer a collaborative setting with others who share your love of music. It’s an opportunity to receive excellent music instruction that balances rigor with the joy and fun of creating music. Small classes for your kids gives each student individual attention, yet learning in a social experience. We encourage registering as soon as possible due to maximum enrollment per group class and check out all our offerings.
MUSIC MAKERS for 3-year-olds
MUSICAL GATEWAY for 4 and 5-year-olds
BEGINNER VOCALS for ages 6 - 8
RHYTHMIC SOLFÈGE for ages 6 - 9
Introduce your young kids to music complete with dancing and creative games fostering fantastic growth and development. Financial assistance is available.

Shamrock Ball (3/12/22) Register – Tuesday, February 1st at 7:30am
Camp Three Rivers - Registration opens Wednesday, February 9th at 7:30am
*** Visit for more details ***

Skyhawks Multi-Sport (Ages 7-9, Mondays @ 5:15pm beginning 1/24) This t-ball, basketball, and soccer class uses age-appropriate games and activities to explore balance, hand-eye coordination, and skill development. Skyhawks provides a wide variety of fun, safe, and positive programs that emphasize critical lessons in sports and life; such as teamwork, respect and sportsmanship!

Skyhawks Floor Hockey (Ages 7-12, Mondays @ 5:15pm beginning 3/7) Come join us and learn the skills of hockey!  From stick handling to passing and shooting, we will develop and enhance the abilities to play the fastest game on (ice) the floor!

February Vacation Week Need childcare during February vacation? The February Vacation Program (Grades K-5) is from 8:00am to 6:00pm at Hunt Recreation Center from 2/22-2/25. (Participants must bring lunch unless noted) $100 per day per person. Registration open to general public. First come, first serve basis. This program has NO AFFILIATION with Concord Recreation’s Before or Afterschool Program.

CC YOUTH BASEBALL/SOFTBALL Registration for the Spring Season is open from JAN 1 - JAN 31.  Building on an incredibly successful programming and record numbers in 2021, CCYB/S is offering robust programming from T-Ball through Babe Ruth. Don’t miss out on baseball and softball’s showcase season! REGISTER NOW!

Book PALS, an organization run by CCHS students to help kids in urban communities, needs books for kids ages 4-8. Please donate new and gently used children's books by leaving them in the labeled box in Alcott's main entrance hallway. Donate your favorites! CCHS students will read them with their book buddies at the Cambridge YMCA afterschool program, and then give the books to their buddies. The book drive runs through January 14th. Help support kids and reading.

IRISH STEP DANCE: The Inishfree School of Irish Dancing offers classes at our studio in West Concord. Join our Winter Session Beginner Classes for a fun and lively introduction to the basics of Irish step dancing, including posture, foot placement, and musical awareness. You will even learn a simple reel and jig step to perform for St. Patrick’s Day! No prior dance experience necessary.

  • Tiny tots class for ages 3-4 Saturdays 9:15-9:45

  • Beginner classes for ages 5+ Mondays 5:00-5:45 and Saturdays 10:00-10:45

For more details or to schedule a free trial class, contact Meghan at or 551-265-7942.

Music lessons with IMSCC - The Winter-Spring session of music lessons starts this month!  We welcome new students of all ages and all levels, including adults. Expert instructors are available for all band and orchestra instruments as well as voice, guitar, ukulele, electric bass, and piano. 

During this time families have a choice of in-person or remote lessons. In-person lessons are located at CCHS and the Carlisle public school campus and follow school district music protocols for Covid safety. Click here to request lessons, or here for more information about IMSCC. Questions? email Debbie Levine. We look forward to working with you!