The Thursday Owl - March 31, 2022


HAPPENING NOW! Book fair classroom visits end today.

We will hold an open house for families to come to Alcott after school to visit the book fair and participate in Math Night on TODAY March 31st, 4:30-7:30! We are requesting families register for Math Night here. No advance registration required for Book Fair.


STUDENT GARDEN: Spring is here! We're looking for Student Garden Volunteers to help with maintenance and fundraising so our little garden can flourish. Please fill out the form if you would like to join us!

ALCOTT WEAR: Show off your Alcott spirit this spring!

Check out the Alcott spirit wear store under the Support tab of the Alcott PTG website or click HERE to find the latest and greatest Alcott wear. Alcott PTG receives 10% back on all items purchased throughout the school year so consider purchasing an item today!

5th Grade Families: Get Involved with the Concord Middle School PTG!
The CMS PTG’s board of directors invites you to be a member of the core team next year. Be involved with this fun group of volunteers as our Staff Appreciation Chairperson, our Fundraising Chairperson or our Vice President. We are also seeking two volunteers to take turns publishing our weekly newsletter and one person to maintain our website (training available). There is much to do, and we can’t do it without you! Staffing plans are being formed now for the fall. Please contact Deb Antonangeli ( or Susannah Benner ( to learn more.

***Every Wednesday is a half-day***
Mar 31: Book Fair/Math Night 4:30 - 7:30pm
Apr 7: Grades K-5 conferences
Apr 8: METCO Coffee hour
Apr 18-22: April Recess (no school)

CPS/CCRSD 21-22 School Calendar can be found here


The Fenn Sports Sale: All are welcome! Saturday April 9th, 2022. 9am-12pm at The Fenn School, 516 Monument Street, Concord, MA. Great equipment, Great Prices. Come check out the extensive array of gently-used sporting equipment for sale including skis, skates, bicycles, pads, hockey, lacrosse, baseball, softball gear and more! Visit for details.

Concord for Ukraine: A  group of concerned Concord citizens has come together to raise money and provide medical equipment to those on the frontlines in Ukraine through a Boston-based organization called Ukraine Forward. It's simple: Citizens purchase medical supplies through a carefully cultivated and monitored Amazon WishList or donate directly at Ukraine Forward.  The supplies are collected at Christ the King Ukrainian Catholic Church in Jamaica Plain where packages are boxed and shipped via Air Poland for distribution by Ukrainian volunteer university students in Kyiv. Already this organization has supplied nearly $400,000 in needed medical supplies directly to Ukrainian soldiers and citizen fighters. This war is devastating and senseless. We hope you will join us in this effort.To help spread the word, please share this with your friends and sign up to host a lawn sign here.

5th Annual SEPAC Appreciation Awards
Is there a teacher, tutor, counselor, aide, administrator or any other school staff member who has made a difference this year? The Concord Public Schools and Concord-Carlisle Regional School District Special Education Parent Advisory Council (SEPAC) invites families from Concord, Carlisle and Boston with a child on an IEP or 504 Plan to honor a special person (or persons) with a SEPAC Appreciation Award.
In our 5th year, the SEPAC Appreciation Awards offer families the opportunity to reflect on the school year and to recognize staff members in our districts who have gone above and beyond in their efforts to support our students.
Please complete a submission form to let us know about your special person!
Note that submissions for the SEPAC Appreciation Awards closes on April 8th. We plan to hold an event in May to announce and applaud our honorees. Details to follow.
Questions? You can reach us at

COAR (Communities Organizing Against Racism)
COAR Discussion Group, Mon April 11, 2022, 7:30-9pm. COAR was founded by Thoreau parents looking to share experiences, learn, take action, and engage in courageous conversations about race with each other and with our children. COAR offers a monthly learning and discussion group open to all. Our next meeting will be on Monday, April 11, at 7:30pm (on Zoom) and all are welcome. To receive the Zoom links for COAR meetings, sign up for our email list by filling out our Contact Form; check out to learn more, or email to join the conversation!

The Concord Library-Fowler Branch is partnering with ArtScape at the Bradford Mill to showcase community talent and local places! All media and artists are welcome; start painting, photographing, drawing now! Submit your work 5/13-5/15. $10 hanging fee per artist waived for students. Please email with any questions.

Musical Mondays in April The CFPL hosts free musical concerts on Mondays at 10:30am for children ages 0 - 6 years and their caregivers at the Main Library. On Monday, April 4, enjoy a fun-filled sing-along jam session with Mr. Seth. On Monday, April 11, Julie Stepanek will host a Music And Movement program featuring songs kids know and some songs kids might not know. On Monday, April 25, Rockabye Beats’ music will have you bopping and moving along in no time!

Workshop with Award Winning Author Ranaji LaRocca The CFPL will host a workshop with Newbery honor winning author Rajani LaRocca on Friday, April 22 at 3:30pm at the Main Library. The workshop is geared for children ages 9 years and up. Learn about the inspiration for her book Red, White, and Whole (Quill Tree Books/HarperCollins, 2/2021) and her path to writing it, from her childhood to the present day. Get inspired to tell your own stories and know that we all belong!

Beede & Books The Beede Swim and Fitness Center and the CFPL are teaming up to bring you Beede and Books. This is a free program available to all. Join us at the Beede Center for a Friday collaboration of reading and swimming. A librarian will read books at 11:30 am, then at 12:00 pm we transition to the Children’s Pool for water fun! This free program happens once a month in 2022 on the following Fridays: April 15, May 20, and June 17.

Alexander Technique Workshop—
CCM welcomes guest lecturer Lisa Sailer for an Alexander Technique workshop on Saturday, April 9 at 11:00 am. As a violinist and certified Alexander Technique teacher, she’ll teach us how to move around and live with a greater sense of ease and comfort. Lisa will provide tips on injury prevention and how to become more aware of what your body is doing while playing an instrument. The Technique can help relieve pain through learning better coordination of the musculoskeletal system as well as enhance playing any instrument. Advance registration required ($15 for non-CCM students) HERE.

Open Bluegrass Jam at CCM on Thursday evenings from 7:30 pm–9:00 pm -- connect with other musicians, hone your skills, and have fun. Get coaching from faculty member and mandolinist Max Anderson who leads the group through a great repertoire of songs from the bluegrass tradition. The Jam is open to bluegrass players at all levels – guitar, mandolin, banjo, fiddle, dobro, bass, and singers. The Jam continues now through the end of May and is fee-free, though a $10 contribution is appreciated to support the program.

Rishell & Raines Blues Concert – CCM presents blues duo and award-winners Paul Rishell and Annie Raines for a 7 pm concert and 5 pm masterclass on Saturday, April 2. They’ll discuss the unique elements of acoustic and electric blues styles, and highlight the connection between the two. Paul’s original music has been used in plays, films, and countless television shows. Annie sings, plays the mandolin and piano, while being recognized as the “queen of the blues harmonica” and has played with the Tarbox Ramblers and the Susan Tedeschi Band. Tickets: or at the door ($45-masterclass and concert; $20-concert only). Free for students 18 and under. To attend at CCM, you must show proof of full vaccination. CCM, 1317 Main Street, West Concord.


Camp Three Rivers Make sure you reserve your spot now for summer camp! We have weeks and entire grades SOLD OUT. We’re excited for the return of field trips, extended care, and all the fun summer camp has to offer. Click the link to see all we have to offer.

 Summer Specialty Camps Looking for different half day, themed, camps through Concord Rec? Check out our summer specialty camps – plenty of space available!

Skyhawks Floor Hockey Come join us and learn the skills of hockey!  From stick handling to passing and shooting, we will develop and enhance the abilities to play the fastest game on (ice) the floor!

Skyhawks Flag Football Flag Football is the perfect introduction to “America’s Game.” Participants learn skills on both sides of the football - including the core components of passing, catching, de- flagging and defense - all presented in a safe, fun and positive environment.

Skyhawks Ultimate Sports Age-appropriate games that teach teamwork, fair play, tons of energy and even more fun! Join us for the Ultimate Sports program where kids will play dodgeball, kickball, capture the flag and more!

April Vacation Week (April 19th-22nd) Looking for care Tuesday – Friday of April vacation? Look no further than Concord Rec’s April Vacation Week Program. April Vacation Program is from 8:00am to 6:00pm at Hunt Recreation Center (Participants must bring lunch unless noted) $100 per day per person. Registration open to general public. First come, first serve basis. This program has NO AFFILIATION with Concord Recreation’s Before or Afterschool Program. Please inform Concord Recreation of any medical issues or allergies.

Egg Hunt! Join Concord Recreation for this fun free community event. Participants will search for candy and prize filled eggs, get photos with the Bunny, petting zoo, and more! Memorial Field at CCHS April 15th starting at 5:00pm.

Please visit this space for updates on sports, music and theater registration dates, seminars, and more events throughout town.

The Thursday Owl - March 24, 2022


We will hold an open house for families to come to Alcott after school to visit the book fair and participate in Math Night on Thursday, March 31st, 4:30-7:30! We are requesting families register for Math Night here. No advance registration required for Book Fair.

Volunteers are needed to support this event. Please consider signing up here if you are able!

Book Fair Classroom Visits All students will have the chance to visit the book fair during their school day with their teacher sometime between March 28-31st.

For more details including the classroom schedule, see the Owl Book Fair page here.

Spring is almost here! We're looking for Student Garden Volunteers to help with maintenance and fundraising so our little garden can flourish. Please fill out the form if you would like to join us!


ALCOTT WEAR: Show off your Alcott spirit this spring!
Check out the Alcott spiritwear store under the Support tab of the Alcott PTG website or click HERE to find the latest and greatest Alcott wear. Alcott PTG receives 10% back on all items purchased throughout the school year so consider purchasing an item today!

***Every Wednesday is a half-day***

Mar 31: Book Fair/Math Night 4:30 - 7:30pm
Apr 7: Grades K-5 conferences
Apr 8: METCO Coffee hour
Apr 18-22: April Recess (no school)

CPS/CCRSD 21-22 School Calendar can be found here


COAR (Communities Organizing Against Racism)
COAR Discussion Group, Mon April 11, 2022, 7:30-9pm. COAR was founded by Thoreau parents looking to share experiences, learn, take action, and engage in courageous conversations about race with each other and with our children. COAR offers a monthly learning and discussion group open to all. Our next meeting will be on Monday, April 11, at 7:30pm (on Zoom) and all are welcome. To receive the Zoom links for COAR meetings, sign up for our email list by filling out our Contact Form; check out to learn more, or email to join the conversation!

Instrumental Music School of Concord and Carlisle's March Student Showcase This spring we are sharing some of the exciting music happening at IMSCC, including performances by Alcott students Eva McEneaney and Lev Podolskiy! You can hear this month's featured student performances on our website here. Interested in starting music lessons? Click here to request lessons, or click here to learn more about IMSCC. Lessons can start any time! Look for information on our website next month about summer music lessons!

Concord Public & Concord-Carlisle Regional SEPAC invites you to attend:
Powerful Strategies to Help Children Develop Independent Executive Function Skills. Teach children to manage their time, space, and materials (and keep their emotions in check)! Workshop with Sarah Ward, M.S. CCC/SLP, Monday, March 28, 7:00pm on Zoom. Space is limited so register soon.

Learn to Make Whoopie Pies Saturday, 3/26, 10-11:30 am
Join Adrienne Dunne in learning how to make these hand-held sandwiches made of cake and stuffed with fluffy whipped icing. You’ll learn the traditional as well as some fun-flavored fillings. This class is online so you can do it from the comfort of your own kitchen. Ingredient and kitchen tool lists will be sent a few days ahead. Offered through CCACE; fee is $39. Register here.

The Concord Library-Fowler Branch is partnering with ArtScape at the Bradford Mill to showcase community talent and local places! All media and artists are welcome; start painting, photographing, drawing now! Submit your work 5/13-5/15. $10 hanging fee per artist waived for students. Please email with any questions.

Musical Mondays in April The CFPL hosts free musical concerts on Mondays at 10:30am for children ages 0 - 6 years and their caregivers at the Main Library. On Monday, April 4, enjoy a fun-filled sing-along jam session with Mr. Seth. On Monday, April 11, Julie Stepanek will host a Music And Movement program featuring songs kids know and some songs kids might not know. On Monday, April 25, Rockabye Beats’ music will have you bopping and moving along in no time!

Workshop with Award Winning Author Ranaji LaRocca The CFPL will host a workshop with Newbery honor winning author Rajani LaRocca on Friday, April 22 at 3:30pm at the Main Library. The workshop is geared for children ages 9 years and up. Learn about the inspiration for her book Red, White, and Whole (Quill Tree Books/HarperCollins, 2/2021) and her path to writing it, from her childhood to the present day. Get inspired to tell your own stories and know that we all belong!

College Admissions for Juniors The CFPL will host two free Zoom presentations on Wednesday, April 27 at 7:00 PM and Tuesday, May 17 at 7:00 PM. These workshops will help high school juniors and their parents understand how to use the summer productively to create a compelling college application. We will cover the college application process including current admissions trends, writing the personal statement essay and supplemental essays, teacher recommendations, how students can position themselves to increase their chances for admission, and more!

How to Reduce College Costs The CFPL will offer a free virtual workshop entitled “How to Reduce College Costs: Strategies You Need to Know” on Wednesday, April 6 at 7pm. This workshop introduces little-known financial strategies parents can use to reduce college costs, improve admissions chances, and increase scholarship opportunities. Learn income, asset, and borrowing tools as well as the new FAFSA rules and how they will impact what you pay for college. The workshop is hosted by My College Planning Team.

Tired of Arguing with Your Teen? Change is possible! Parent Coach Lianne Dixon will present a free Zoom workshop hosted by the CFPL on Thursday, April 14 at 6:30pm. Discover high-impact strategies that create less room for arguing and more room for connection. Explore the benefit of using visualization to help create the relationship you want. Learn mindful practices that are critical in setting the scene for more peaceful communication and joyful connection.

Art Into Action with COAR Kids, want to make the world a better place and engage in global citizenship through art? Join us on Saturday, March 26 at 10:30am as we move art into action! Members from COAR (Communities Organizing Against Racism) are partnering with the Concord Free Public Library to create a quilt filled with ideas on how to build a community with empathy, equity, and understanding. Learn more about the Students Rebuild program and the mission of COAR.

Weekend Writing Studio The CFPL invites individuals ages 11-18 to join the Weekend Writing Studio, every Saturday at the Main Library beginning March 5, 2022, at 1pm. Expand your creative writing abilities with brain-storming, story-telling, genre-busting, and totally not-boring activities! Poet and Youth Services staff member Cary Stough will facilitate. No writing experience required. Email Cary Stough at for questions or accessibility concerns. No registration required.

Beede & Books The Beede Swim and Fitness Center and the CFPL are teaming up to bring you Beede and Books. This is a free program available to all. Join us at the Beede Center for a Friday collaboration of reading and swimming. A librarian will read books at 11:30 am, then at 12:00 pm we transition to the Children’s Pool for water fun! This free program happens once a month in 2022 on the following Fridays: April 15, May 20, and June 17.

Alexander Technique Workshop—
CCM welcomes guest lecturer Lisa Sailer for an Alexander Technique workshop on Saturday, April 9 at 11:00 am. As a violinist and certified Alexander Technique teacher, she’ll teach us how to move around and live with a greater sense of ease and comfort. Lisa will provide tips on injury prevention and how to become more aware of what your body is doing while playing an instrument. The Technique can help relieve pain through learning better coordination of the musculoskeletal system as well as enhance playing any instrument. Advance registration required ($15 for non-CCM students) HERE.

Open Bluegrass Jam at CCM on Thursday evenings from 7:30 pm–9:00 pm -- connect with other musicians, hone your skills, and have fun. Get coaching from faculty member and mandolinist Max Anderson who leads the group through a great repertoire of songs from the bluegrass tradition. The Jam is open to bluegrass players at all levels – guitar, mandolin, banjo, fiddle, dobro, bass, and singers. The Jam continues now through the end of May and is fee-free, though a $10 contribution is appreciated to support the program.

Rishell & Raines Blues Concert – CCM presents blues duo and award-winners Paul Rishell and Annie Raines for a 7 pm concert and 5 pm masterclass on Saturday, April 2. They’ll discuss the unique elements of acoustic and electric blues styles, and highlight the connection between the two. Paul’s original music has been used in plays, films, and countless television shows. Annie sings, plays the mandolin and piano, while being recognized as the “queen of the blues harmonica” and has played with the Tarbox Ramblers and the Susan Tedeschi Band. Tickets: or at the door ($45-masterclass and concert; $20-concert only). Free for students 18 and under. To attend at CCM, you must show proof of full vaccination. CCM, 1317 Main Street, West Concord.

Camp Three Rivers Make sure you reserve your spot now for summer camp! We have weeks and entire grades SOLD OUT. We’re excited for the return of field trips, extended care, and all the fun summer camp has to offer. Click the link to see all we have to offer.

Summer Specialty Camps  Looking for different half day, themed, camps through Concord Rec? Check out our summer specialty camps – plenty of space available!

Skyhawks Flag Football  Flag Football is the perfect introduction to “America’s Game.” Participants learn skills on both sides of the football - including the core components of passing, catching, de- flagging and defense - all presented in a safe, fun and positive environment.

Skyhawks Ultimate Sports  Age-appropriate games that teach teamwork, fair play, tons of energy and even more fun! Join us for the Ultimate Sports program where kids will play dodgeball, kickball, capture the flag and more!

April Professional Day Program (Thursday, April 7)  The April Professional Day Program is from 8:00am to 6:00pm at Hunt Recreation Center. Registration open to general public. First come, first serve basis. This program has NO AFFILIATION with Concord Recreation’s Before or Afterschool Program. Please inform Concord Recreation of any medical issues or allergies. Field Trip to Altitude Trampoline Park!

April Vacation Week (April 19 -22)  Looking for care Tuesday – Friday of April vacation? Look no further than Concord Rec’s April Vacation Week Program. April Vacation Program is from 8:00am to 6:00pm at Hunt Recreation Center (Participants must bring lunch unless noted) $100 per day per person. Registration open to general public. First come, first serve basis. This program has NO AFFILIATION with Concord Recreation’s Before or Afterschool Program. Please inform Concord Recreation of any medical issues or allergies.

Egg Hunt!  Join Concord Recreation for this fun free community event. Participants will search for candy and prize filled eggs, get photos with the Bunny, petting zoo, and more! Memorial Field at CCHS April 15 starting at 5:00pm.

Please visit this space for updates on sports, music and theater registration dates, seminars, and more events throughout town.

The Thursday Owl - March 17, 2022


Yesterday, the Alcott team of staff, faculty and administrators enjoyed a delicious luncheon with sandwiches, wraps, salads, all the fixins (and cookies, of course!) as an expression of gratitude from our entire community. What a year it has been!--and there is no better way to show our Alcott team how much we appreciate their dedication and energy than through yummy days like this one! Many thanks to our Staff Appreciation chairs, Sarah Flynn and Hilary Drake, for creating this wonderful afternoon, and to our Alcott community donors, whose generosity to the PTG paid for this event.



All students will have a chance to visit the book fair during school hours March 28-31 with their teachers. Be sure to send your child with money.

Math Night will be an open house for our Alcott community on Thursday, March 31st, 4:30-7:30. The book fair will be open simultaneously for browsing.
Please note, we will be requesting families to sign up in advance for Math Night. Please watch the OWL for more information and to register.
*We will need parent volunteers to help run the fair. Please sign up here to volunteer.

Spring is almost here! We're looking for Student Garden Volunteers to help with maintenance and fundraising so our little garden can flourish. Please fill out the form if you would like to join us!

CONCORD DISTRICT DEI MARCH NEWSLETTER -- Please click here to view the DEI Newsletter for the month of March for the CPS/CCRSD school district. Past DEI Newsletters can be accessed here.


MCAS: The MCAS testing window opens at the end of March this year. All students in Grades 3-5 will take two sessions of ELA and two sessions of Math. Students in Grade 5 take an additional two sessions of Science/Technology and Engineering. This year’s MCAS schedule is here If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to your child’s teacher, Assistant Principal Olson or Principal Krakow.

ALCOTT WEAR: Show off your Alcott spirit this spring!
Check out the Alcott spiritwear store under the Support tab of the Alcott PTG website or click HERE to find the latest and greatest Alcott wear. Alcott PTG receives 10% back on all items purchased throughout the school year so consider purchasing an item today!

***Every Wednesday is now a half-day***
Mar 31: Math Night 4:30-7:30pm
Apr 7: Grades K-5 conferences
Apr 8: METCO Coffee hour
Apr 18-22: April Recess (no school)

CPS/CCRSD 21-22 School Calendar can be found here


There is still time to register for 1st and 2nd Grade Girls Spring lacrosse starting in April!!! Please visit the CCYL website to register now. Sessions take place on Sunday mornings from 10:00-11:15 with an emphasis on fun. All are welcome. No experience necessary.

Concord Public & Concord-Carlisle Regional SEPAC invites you to attend:
Powerful Strategies to Help Children Develop Independent Executive Function Skills. Teach children to manage their time, space, and materials (and keep their emotions in check)!
Workshop with Sarah Ward, M.S. CCC/SLP
Monday, March 28, 7:00pm on Zoom
Space is limited so register soon:

Learn to Make Whoopie Pies Saturday, 3/26, 10-11:30 am
Join Adrienne Dunne in learning how to make these hand-held sandwiches made of cake and stuffed with fluffy whipped icing. You’ll learn the traditional as well as some fun-flavored fillings. This class is online so you can do it from the comfort of your own kitchen. Ingredient and kitchen tool lists will be sent a few days ahead. Offered through CCACE; fee is $39. Register here.    

Scoops Lacrosse
Scoops will run a super fun lax clinic for girls and boys ages 3-7. Clinics are designed for kids interested in learning lacrosse. Kids are broken into different groups based on age and skill level. Most importantly the clinics are designed for FUN. No pads necessary. Just bring your stick!  At Scoops we like to say "It's sticks and smiles. If you bring your stick we deliver the smile". Register here 

The Concord Library-Fowler Branch is partnering with ArtScape at the Bradford Mill to showcase community talent and local places! All media and artists are welcome; start painting, photographing, drawing now! Submit your work 5/13-5/15. $10 hanging fee per artist waived for students. Please email with any questions.

Art Into Action with COAR-- Kids want to make the world a better place and engage in global citizenship through art? Join us on Saturday, March 26 at 10:30am as we move art into action! Members from COAR (Communities Organizing Against Racism) are partnering with the Concord Free Public Library to create a quilt filled with ideas on how to build a community with empathy, equity, and understanding. Learn more about the Students Rebuild program and the mission of COAR.

Knitting for Kids --The Concord Free Public Library will host a free four week knitting workshop at the Main Library for children in grades 2 and up on Mondays beginning March 21 at 4pm. Knitting is a great activity to encourage children’s creativity, concentration, relaxation, and even math skills! This program is perfect for beginners as well as children looking to advance their skills. Diane Johnson of Knit and That will teach children the basics of knitting while helping each child make their own stuffed bunny rabbit. The workshop is intended for registrants to attend all four weeks.

Music and Movement -- The Concord Free Public Library will host additional weekly family-friendly Music And Movement programs featuring Julie Stepanek on Mondays at 10:30am at the Main Library in March! The remaining date is March 21. These programs will run 30-45 minutes and are geared toward children aged 0-5 years.

Weekend Writing Studio -- The Concord Free Public Library invites individuals ages 11-18 to join the Weekend Writing Studio, every Saturday at the Main Library beginning March 5, 2022, at 1pm. Expand your creative writing abilities with brain-storming, story-telling, genre-busting, and totally not-boring activities! Poet and Youth Services staff member Cary Stough will facilitate. No writing experience required. Email Cary Stough at for questions or accessibility concerns. No registration required.

Beede & Books -- The Beede Swim and Fitness Center and the Concord Free Public Library are teaming up to bring you Beede and Books. This is a free program available to all. Join us at the Beede Center for a Friday collaboration of reading and swimming. A librarian will read books at 11:30 am, then at 12:00 pm we transition to the Children’s Pool for water fun! This free program happens once a month in 2022 on the following Fridays: March 18, April 15, May 20, and June 17.


Rishell & Raines Blues Concert
– CCM presents blues duo and award-winners Paul Rishell and Annie Raines for a 7 pm concert and 5 pm masterclass on Saturday, April 2. They’ll discuss the unique elements of acoustic and electric blues styles, and highlight the connection between the two. Paul’s original music has been used in plays, films, and countless television shows. Annie sings, plays the mandolin and piano, while being recognized as the “queen of the blues harmonica” and has played with the Tarbox Ramblers and the Susan Tedeschi Band. Tickets: or at the door ($45-masterclass and concert; $20-concert only). Free for students 18 and under. /(978) 369-0010. To attend at CCM, you must show proof of full vaccination. CCM, 1317 Main Street, West Concord.

CCM’s Ukulele Crash Course – Two new mini-8-week sessions for adults and teens! Choose the one that fits your schedule, either register for the 3:00 – 4:00 pm or 7:00 – 8:00 pm section. Everyone should take this ukulele class! It’s fun, friendly, and a great way to learn an EASY, travel-friendly instrument. This comprehensive class offers a fundamental approach to learning the ukulele for students of varied musical backgrounds. You will need to bring your own Ukulele. Please call CCM with any questions at (978) 369-0010.


Camp Three Rivers  Make sure you reserve your spot now for summer camp! We have weeks and entire grades SOLD OUT. We’re excited for the return of field trips, extended care, and all the fun summer camp has to offer. Click the link to see all we have to offer.

Summer Specialty Camps  Looking for different half day, themed, camps through Concord Rec? Check out our summer specialty camps – plenty of space available!

Skyhawks Flag Football  Flag Football is the perfect introduction to “America’s Game.” Participants learn skills on both sides of the football - including the core components of passing, catching, de- flagging and defense - all presented in a safe, fun and positive environment.

Skyhawks Ultimate Sports  Age-appropriate games that teach teamwork, fair play, tons of energy and even more fun! Join us for the Ultimate Sports program where kids will play dodgeball, kickball, capture the flag and more!

April Professional Day Program (Thursday, April 7th)  The April Professional Day Program is from 8:00am to 6:00pm at Hunt Recreation Center. Registration open to general public. First come, first serve basis. This program has NO AFFILIATION with Concord Recreation’s Before or Afterschool Program. Please inform Concord Recreation of any medical issues or allergies. Field Trip to Altitude Trampoline Park!

April Vacation Week (April 19th-22nd)  Looking for care Tuesday – Friday of April vacation? Look no further than Concord Rec’s April Vacation Week Program. April Vacation Program is from 8:00am to 6:00pm at Hunt Recreation Center (Participants must bring lunch unless noted) $100 per day per person. Registration open to general public. First come, first serve basis. This program has NO AFFILIATION with Concord Recreation’s Before or Afterschool Program. Please inform Concord Recreation of any medical issues or allergies.

Egg Hunt!  Join Concord Recreation for this fun free community event. Participants will search for candy and prize filled eggs, get photos with the Bunny, petting zoo, and more! Memorial Field at CCHS April 15th starting at 5:00pm.

CONCORD YOUTH THEATRE -- Spring/Summer classes:
(Grades 1-3; Instructor: Joey Talbert; Tuesdays 4:40-5:40 pm)
(Grades 1-2; Instructor: Joey Talbert; Thursdays 4:40-5:40 pm)
(Grades 3-4; Instructor: Joey Talbert; Thursdays 5:45-6:45 pm)
CENTER STAGE PLAYERS (Grades 1–6) – A one-week creative workshop to satisfy all of your dramatic needs! Using scripts and/or improvised dialogue, students will dramatize familiar stories on stage, complete with songs and simple dances.
Click here for registration