The Thursday Owl - April 28, 2022
The Alcott Parent Social is just TWO days away! A night out with old friends, new friends, a taco truck and some awesome AUCTION ITEMS to bid on. The social will be outside, but hopefully the firepits will keep us warm! Please park on Elm Street or nearby Main Street or Thoreau Street. Buy your TICKETS now!
And for those of you who can't attend on Saturday, please browse the AUCTION ITEMS anyway, and feel free to send the link to family or friends who would like to support Alcott!
PRINCIPAL FOR A DAY voting this week: Mrs. O'Rourke as Principal and Ms. Krakow leading classes in the Library for a Day? Who could imagine that?! Let's kick off a fun week and let the kids vote on which Specials teacher should be Principal for a Day. The winning Specialist and Ms. Krakow will switch places at some point before the end of the year. Send your kids in with some spare change this week to vote for the students' choice for Principal for a Day!
SAVE THE DATE--METCO SPRING FIELD DAY: Please save the following information in your calendar for a wonderful day of outdoor activities, socializing and fun! Click HERE to register. Click HERE to volunteer.
When: Saturday, May 14th, 1 - 3 PM
Where: Franklin Park, Boston
Who: Concord and Boston families
2021-2022 Alcott Yearbook ON SALE NOW THROUGH MAY 8TH: It's time to order your Alcott all-school yearbook! The yearbook price is $33 if ordered by Sunday, May 1. The price will be $39 if ordered between Monday, May 2 and Sunday, May 8. Order online at The password is hellobronson (all lower case, no space). Don't miss out--order today!
PTG Open Meeting - Wednesday, May 11, 2022: We hope to see you at our last PTG Open Meeting of the school year, on Wednesday, May 11 at 7:00 pm via Zoom. We will discuss year-end topics and forward-looking initiatives for the entire Alcott community. Thank you to everyone for another incredible school year!
Topic: Alcott PTG May 2022 Open Meeting
Time: May 11, 2022 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 845 1039 5381
Passcode: 549759
ALCOTT CHESS: The Alcott Chess Tournament starts up this week. Did you enroll your children? If so, they will have a wonderful time, but if not, don't worry! There is still time. The first chess game doesn't start until next Thursday. Notify Ken Belt at or call 617-332-4483 to let him know pronto. We are excited to have your children participate. See HERE for the details.
The PTG spends up to $135 per student each year to provide valuable enhancements to their school experience. The Alcott PTG budget supports:
Our Community, Children's Programming | Classroom &Teacher Stipends | METCO Events and much more! See HERE for more information.
Any gift is appreciated. DONATE $100 or more and get an Alcott Canvas Tote.
STUDENT GARDEN: Spring is here! We're looking for Student Garden Volunteers to help with maintenance and fundraising so our little garden can flourish. Please fill out the form if you would like to join us!
ALCOTT WEAR: Make sure to get your gear before the school year ends!
Check out the Alcott spirit wear store under the Support tab of the Alcott PTG website or click HERE to find the latest and greatest Alcott wear. Alcott PTG receives 10% back on all items purchased throughout the school year so consider purchasing an item today!
***Every Wednesday is a half-day***
Apr 30: Parent Social
May 2 - 6: National Teacher Appreciation Week
May 30: Memorial Day (no school)
CPS/CCRSD 21-22 School Calendar can be found here
CONCORD CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC is accepting fall registrations —One-On-One Music Instruction for all ages and abilities. Submit a Student Interest Form at or call (978) 369-0010. Financial assistance available.
Scottish fiddler and experimentalist Jenna Moynihan 7:00 pm concert and 5:00 pm masterclass on Saturday, May 7th. Purchase tickets online at or at the door: $45 for the masterclass and concert tickets, $20 for the concert only, or $25 for the masterclass only (both events are free for students 18 and under).
CRAFTING MINDS literacy talk: Please join the Concord SEPAC for a literacy presentation with Sarah Gannon from Crafting Minds via zoom. The session will include information on how the brain learns to read, screening guidelines, early reading assessments, and the essential components of reading instruction followed by Q&A. Tuesday, May 3 from 7:00-8:30pm. Zoom link:
CONCORD ANNUAL TOWN MEETING: Tellers and ballot counters needed, Sunday, May 1, 2022, 1 pm, Concord-Carlisle High School. If you are interested in being either a teller or ballot counter for the Concord Annual Town Meeting, or would like more information to help you decide, please respond
CONCORD EDUCATION FUND's Spring Barn Party - Bluegrass and BBQ in the Barn! Saturday, May 14th, 7 - 10 pm at the Discovery Barn at Nashoba Brooks School. Please join the Concord Education Fund in supporting our teachers, administrators and schools as we celebrate their hard work to provide innovative programs for our children! We are Parents Supporting Teachers Inspiring Students. Tickets are $50 each - get your tickets HERE.
NEW SUMMER CAMP FOR K-8: KidzToPros sports/STEAM/Arts camps will be held at Nashoba Brooks School this summer. Kids from Kindergarten through Grade 8 are welcome and there are discounts for multi-week registrations. Click HERE for more information.
THOREAU ROAD RACE: Mark your calendars for May 15th and join us for the revival of the Thoreau Road Race after a 2-year deep dark hiatus. We will have an open 5k (9 am) and a kid’s race (10 am), with all proceeds benefiting Thoreau Elementary School. For additional information and to sign up for this outstanding event, please visit our website HERE.
CONCORD FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY will celebrate Korean Family Month with events all May. Click HERE for more information.
Concord Recreation is Hiring!
Skyhawks Ultimate Sports Age-appropriate games that teach teamwork, fair play, tons of energy and even more fun! Join us for the Ultimate Sports program where kids will play dodgeball, kickball, capture the flag and more!
Summer Specialty Camps Looking for different half day, themed, camps through Concord Rec? Check out our summer specialty camps – plenty of space available!
Youth Disc Golf Learn the world of Disc Golf with instructor Roseanne Ham! This program will introduce the sport of Disc Golf by teaching the rules to play on a course, skills of the game (forehand, backhand, and putting throws), scoring, and game play!
Kite Fest – May 7th from 12:00pm-3:00pm Come and watch a professional kite flyer and learn about kites! Get an ice cream at the ice cream truck and bring a picnic lunch.
Community Yard Sale – May 14th 8:00am-2:00pm Ready to clean some stuff out but don't have enough for your own yard sale? Come join us at our community yard sale.
IMSCC music lessons: Summer enrollment is open! New and returning students can start the summer enrollment process by filling out a lesson inquiry form. Spring lessons are underway and new students are welcome to join any time.
Please visit this space for updates on sports, music and theater registration dates, seminars, and more events throughout town.
PTG online volunteer information and sign-up: Please visit our website to discover all the ways both working and non-working parents and guardians are needed to support our wonderful staff, students, and families. Have something to offer that you don’t see listed there? There’s a place for you to submit that info as well! We hope to hear from you!