The Alcott Chess Club

Alcott Chess Club meets Thursday mornings, 8 a.m. in the Faculty Lounge. Children enter via the door on the right by the auditorium. Email or call Ken Belt at (617) 332-4483 for any questions. We look forward to seeing your children.

Alcott Chess Club is Back!!!

The Alcott Chess Club resumed its fall session on Thursday, September 21, but it is not too late to enroll. The chess club offers ongoing lessons and play that your children can join in at any time without missing a beat. We hope your children will want to play chess and be a part of our club. We look forward to meeting them. 

The club convenes Thursday mornings, 8 a.m. in the Faculty Lounge and we meet most every week through December. We hope you will want to give your children the gift of a lifetime, the ability to develop their minds as they ponder over a chessboard. Be assured you will be pleased with the results. 

Email Ken Belt at Or call him at (617) 332-4483. Be sure to leave a message with any questions you may have. Go ahead! Make the decision. It's your move.