Welcome Back! Room Parents Needed: We still need room parents for grades: K, 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 5th. Being a room parent at Alcott is a special volunteer opportunity as our teachers welcome the support and the students enjoy seeing you in the classroom! If you are interested, please email jmonaghan71@yahoo.com. The PTG thanks you! Library Volunteers Needed: The Alcott School Library Media Center relies on a network of parent volunteers. Under the guidance of a Library Volunteer Coordinator, volunteers are recruited and trained at the start of each school year and a volunteer schedule is created to cover all classes for that school year. Volunteer tasks include: circulation of material, shelving and shelf reading, assisting students with book selection, and housekeeping. If you are interested in helping out, please sign up by clicking HERE. Elementary Band and Orchestra - Be Part of the Music!, TONIGHT, 6:30PM: Reminder to all new and prospective Band/Orchestra Students, tonight is the annual Instrumental Music Parent Orientation on at 6:30PM at CMS Sanborn. We will be discussing expectations, schedule and other important information. We hope to see all band and orchestra parents at this event. If you or your child are still on the fence or have questions before you join, this is a fantastic opportunity to get some answers to inform your decision. It’s much easier to quit than it is to start late!. If you haven’t signed your 4th or 5th grader up, it’s not too late! Click HERE to sign up today! Band Students: If your student is joining THE BAND next year, visit concordbands.org/elementary for important information regarding instrument rentals/required materials for this year and sign up for reminders at concordbands.org/reminders so that you can stay informed! If you have any questions regarding band, please contact either Chris Noce cnoce@concordps.org or Paul Halpainy phalpainy@concordps.org. Orchestra Students: If your student is joining THE ORCHESTRA (violin, viola, cello and string bass players), please visit cms.concordps.org/aanderson/. If you have any questions about orchestra, please contact Anna Anderson aanderson@concordps.org. Alcott Open House: Tuesday, August 30th from 2PM - 3PM. Bus Routes: Check here for all bus routes. First Day of School: Wednesday, August 31st at 9AM for Alcott Elementary School. Remember school ends at 3:30PM on Wednesdays. |