Geography Quest
Need another copy of the 7 Wonders of the Ancient World Geography Quest? Download HERE. Remember this Quest is for Fun! Your child is encouraged to answered as many as he or she can. Full completion is not required (or expected by all) to submit and get a PRIZE! Learn about even 1 Wonder and increase your knowledge bank. Quests are due to your teacher or Library by Friday March 3rd.
Alcott Workshops
Alcott Winter Workshops are here! Looking for before or after school enrichment for your child? Come view the list of Workshop offerings this Winter! Stretch your mind or body with Math Club, Lego’s, Before School Sports, or Karate. Or try something new this season with Bollywood Dance, Hands on Electronics or Festival Orchestra. All workshops begin week of 1/30 and run thru Mid-March. Classes are 6 weeks in length with exception of Electronics which is eight. Registration begins Tuesday January 17 at 7am. To register click here ( or follow these instructions for registration. If you have any questions, contact the PTG workshop committee (
Win $1,000 for Alcott School
Win $1,000 for Alcott School! Register today for the Cooler Concord Fair.
We can only win if enough parents attend and participate! We hope you will come and see our Green Monsters in action!
Here is how we can win the $1000 for Alcott:
- If 37 Alcott families attend the Cooler Concord Fair, we can win $250;
- If 74 families attend, we will be awarded $500.
- We can win another $500 if these families take simple actions to save energy and money. An easy to use tool will help Fair attendees prioritize what makes sense for their family.
As of last week, only 3 people have RSVP'd. Please help Alcott win $1,000.
February 4th @CCHS! The Cooler Concord Fair! A fun event to help families save energy and money. RSVP TODAY at