PTG Highlights: Welcome Back, Library Volunteers Needed

First day of school for students for the 2018-2019 School Year is Wednesday, August 29.  School begins promptly at 9:00 AM and ends at 3:30 PM for all students.  Students will attend school on Wednesday, August 29 and Thursday, August 30.  Friday, August 31 and Monday, September 3 the school will be closed for the long Labor Day weekend. 

Library Volunteers Still Needed:  The Alcott School Library Media Center relies on a network of parent volunteers. Under the guidance of Library Volunteer Coordinators, volunteers are recruited and trained at the start of each school year and a volunteer schedule is created to cover all classes for that school year. Volunteer tasks include: circulation of material, shelving and shelf reading, assisting students with book selection, and housekeeping. Volunteers are asked to commit to a biweekly or weekly schedule. Openings remain in the following classes: Woodward, Martin, Delaney, Wilson, Chatlosh, Gregor, Chan, Woodman, LoRusso, McSweeney, and McGuire . If you are interested in volunteering, please Click Here.

Back to School Night:  Mark you calendar for the K – 5 Back to School Night on September 12th.  The schedule is as follows:  GR 2 & 3 – 6:30 – 7:00; GR K & 1 – 7:00 – 7:30; GR 4 & 5 – 7:30 – 8:00 PM.  Principal, Specialists, and PTG Representatives will be in the Café from 6:30 – 8:00 PM.

SAVE THE DATE – ALCOTT’S PARENT SOCIAL is Saturday September 22nd!  Book your sitters now ~ details to follow.