PTG Highlights: Bus Depot L&F, SEPAC Event, METCO Bowling, Middle School Info Session, Volunteer Opportunities

These are what we currently have in our Lost and Found box at the Bus Depot: Red lunch bag has initials TRM in it, lots of gloves, hats, mittens and snow boots! A blue winter coat, a girls jean jacket, a Stranger Things sweatshirt and a green bead bracelet. Please contact April Healey, Dispatcher to inquire about missing items. 978-461-3981 or

ADHD AND DYSLEXIA: UNDERSTANDING, IDENTIFYING, AND SUPPORTING YOUR CHILDREN WHEN THEY HAVE EITHER OR BOTH. Hosted by the Concord Public Schools and Concord-Carlisle Regional School District Special Education Parent Advisory Council. Has your child been diagnosed with ADHD and/or dyslexia? Do you think your child may have both?Would you like the opportunity to ask questions of an expert? If you answer ‘yes’ to any of these questions, please join us for a presentation and Q&A session with Dr. Roberto Olivardia PhD who is a Clinical Psychologist and Lecturer in the Department of Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School. In his private practice, Dr. Olivardia specializes in the treatment of ADHD, executive functioning issues, and issues that face students with dyslexia. Dr Olivardia is an active member of Decoding Dyslexia-Massachusetts. When: Thursday, February 7th from 10:00 - 11:30 am. Where:  Conference Room 4, Ripley Building, Meriam Road. For planning purposes, please RSVP via Eventbrite at our website.

Calling all METCO Family Friends! Please join us for an afternoon of bowling, pizza, and games. We will meet at the Acton Bowladrome between 12:45 and 1pm on 2/12. There will be pizza served for lunch, 2 games of bowling, and a $5 gift card for each Buddy. We will leave the Bowladrome by 2:30pm in order to make the 3pm late bus. *Each child attending will need transportation to this event and at least 1 adult per Buddy pair to stay at the event. Please RSVP by 2/10 with names of children attending. Siblings are always welcome, but will need to be paid for separately. Please rsvp for siblings as well because I will need to count them in our #s. Please RSVP to the Evite link HERE to make sure we have accurate #s. Make sure to include name of adult attending and names of all children (including siblings) that will be participating.

Information Session: Planning for a new Concord Middle School Building-2/14, 9:30-11am: The Concord School Committee invites you to an information session regarding proposed plans for a new middle school building.  Join us to learn about the recommendations, ask questions, and provide feedback. Funding for a Feasibility Study and Schematic Design of a new building will be up for a vote at Town Meeting, beginning April 8.  Between now and then, the School Committee will host a series of Information Sessions and Public Forums to ensure that everyone has a chance to become familiar with the options for moving forward. The full schedule will be announced soon and will include daytime, evening, and weekend options. To get educated early, join us Thursday, February 14, 9:30-11am at the Ripley Administration Building, Conference Room 4. Questions? Email the Concord School Committee at We hope to see you there!   

The PTG needs YOU! We have a number of positions open and many programs that will be unable to run without volunteers! Please contact OR for more information! We really appreciate your support! Cheri Driscoll and Jane Baldini, PTG Co – Presidents

Feb 1: Students Progress Reports Published in the Aspen Portal
Feb 12: METCO Late Bus
Feb 13: PTG Meeting
Feb 15: School Spirit Day – Favorite Sports Team Apparel
Feb 16 – 24: February Break