Still thinking about donating to the PTG? There is still time! The Annual Appeal focuses on raising money needed for the Alcott PTG to provide programs for our children and the Alcott faculty & staff, which are 100% funded by your generous donations! As a result, your child’s learning experience is greatly enhanced. The Alcott PTG appreciates the time, effort, and funding offered and provided by our wonderful community of families. Please consider making a donation today - click here. Thank you!
The PTG needs YOU! We have a number of positions open and many programs that will be unable to run without volunteers! Please contact OR for more information! We really appreciate your support! Cheri Driscoll and Jane Baldini, PTG Co – Presidents
2019 Winter Staff Appreciation Luncheon: Please sign up here. The bi-annual Staff Appreciation Luncheon is Tuesday, January 29, 2019 at 12:30 pm in the Alcott School cafeteria. Please help out by contributing a food item whether it be a salad, entrée, or dessert (you CAN use nuts). Teacher favorites and other meal suggestions have been made on the signup sheet, but by no means are you limited to those items. We know people are very busy, so please consider making a FINANCIAL CONTRIBUTION if you don't have time to make/bring a food item for the luncheon. Just drop off the contribution in the Staff Appreciation box in the teachers’ mailbox room to the right of the office or send in an envelope to school with your child marked "Teacher Appreciation Luncheon." Make checks payable to Alcott PTG. We would like to have contributions by Tuesday, January 22, 2019. If you miss the deadline, not to worry, we will not turn away donations received after that date. Please consider volunteering to help with CLEANUP after the luncheon. Children are welcome to join you. We are always short volunteers, so if we can get several volunteers it will go quickly. You may drop off your food items in the cafeteria after 9 a.m. and before 12:00 p.m. on the day of the luncheon, Tuesday, January 29, 2019. We do not have use of ovens, so any food that needs to be served warm should be dropped off closer to 12:00 p.m. in cafeteria. Please help us show our beloved Alcott Staff how much we appreciate them and all they do! If you have further questions, please email at Thank you! Jennifer Soillis & Angela Lipson - The Staff Appreciation Co-Chairs
Jan 18: School Spirit Day – Hat Day
Jan 21: No School – Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Jan 25: Parents at Lunch
Jan 29: PTG Sponsored Staff Appreciation Luncheon
Feb 1: Students Progress Reports Published in the Aspen Portal