PTG Highlights: Minted 20% Discount Alcott Fundraiser, PTG Meeting 11/13, Rube Goldberg Workshops, Happening at Alcott

Minted holiday discount code: This November and December, we're partnering with Minted to help us fundraise. Shop holiday cards and gifts on using the program code FUNDRAISEALCOTT to give 15% back to the Alcott PTG while enjoying 20% OFF your Minted order! Have friends or family who send holiday cards? Share the FUNDRAISEALCOTT code with them!

PTG Meeting: Come join our next PTG meeting on Wednesday, Nov 13th at 9:30 am in the Faculty Room. New this month: Dr. Foye, the school counselor, will talk about "Open Circle," a social emotional learning program in grades K through 5. Hope to see you there!

Alcott Children’s Program - Rube Goldberg Workshops (4th grade): Rube Goldberg was an American cartoonist, sculptor, author, engineer, and inventor. He’s best known for his popular cartoons depicting complicated gadgets performing simple tasks in indirect, convoluted ways. The 4th graders, led by guest educator Kristin White, created and performed for the class their own chain reaction using kits of materials. The workshop incorporated problem solving, cooperative work, and creating a system demonstrating the flow of energy. The book, “Just Like Rube Goldberg: The Incredible True Story of the Man Behind the Machines” was donated to the Alcott library. Thank you for allowing us to bring this program to Alcott through your support of the PTG!

Happening at Alcott:

Nov 12: METCO Late Bus
Nov 13: PTG Meeting (9:30AM, Alcott Faculty Room)
Nov 15: Alcott School Spirit Day (Funky Friday)
Nov 21: Coffee with the Principal (7:45AM, Alcott Faculty Room)
Nov 22: PAL
Nov 27: Half Day (12:30PM Dismissal)
Nov 28-29: Thanksgiving (No School)
Dec 2: PTG Meeting (7:30PM, Alcott Faculty Room)
Dec 10: METCO Late Bus, Winter Fair Hosted by Grade 5
Dec 23-Jan1: Winter Recess (No School)
Jan 2: Classes Resume following Winter Recess

Please visit the Community Events page for updates on sports, music and theater registration dates, seminars, and more events throughout town.