A Message from the Nurse: Cold and flu season has arrived. Attached are guidelines to help you determine when to keep your child home from school.
Before School Sports Make-ups: This is a list of make-up classes due to the recent snow days. 5th grade - Monday, December 9, 2019 (regular scheduled last class) and Monday, December 16, 2009 (makeup for 12/2 snow day). 4th grade - Wednesday, December 11, 2019 (makeup for 12/3 snow day not able to meet on 12/10 due to “Winter Fair” setup).
Alcott Photo Retake Day - Friday, Dec. 13 @9am: If your child missed Photo Day or if you are dissatisfied with your child’s school photo and would like to try again, you have the opportunity for a retake. Please return the entire, undamaged portrait package to the photographer on Retake Day. Please keep your class photo! Retake Day is rain or shine. Portraits will be taken indoors against a backdrop. Any questions, please email Coffee Pond Photography at lifeguards@coffeepond.com.
From the Library: In library class, students are participating in the Students Rebuild 2020 project as part of the Concord Kids Care team. The Students Rebuild organization, supported by the Bezos Family Foundation, sponsors service learning projects for K-12 students, and works to connect children worldwide in a common effort to make a difference through education and art projects. Over the last 4 years, our Concord Kids Care team has earned $20,746.00 for children and families in need. To find out more: www.studentsrebuild.org. World hunger is the focus of this year's project. Students are asked to make and illustrate a recipe - either literal ("how to make pizza") or metaphorical ("recipe for a better world"). For each recipe that is submitted, the Bezos Family Foundation will donate $3.00 to organizations that address hunger and malnutrition around the world. Here is a secure link to our Concord Kids Care Team Page where you can see photos of class projects and follow our team total as it grows. Students are encouraged to create additional recipes at home. If they choose to do so, please have them bring their completed recipes to the library. Thanks so much for your help!
PAL: Each month parents have the opportunity to join their child (or children) at lunch! There are still spots open for the next PAL on December 20. You can sign up via the PAL Google Doc.
Three Ways to Support the Alcott PTG this Season: 1. Shutterfly and Tinyprints - Start shopping at AlcottElementarySchool.ShutterflyStorefront.com, click through to your account and apply any available discount codes. 8% of your order will be donated to Alcott PTG and you get the full savings you want. 2. MInted.com - Use the program code FUNDRAISEALCOTT on Minted.com and receive 20% off your Minted order while Minted gives 15% back to the Alcott PTG. 3. Amazon - Use the smile.amazon.com link and select 'Alcott School Parent Teacher Group Inc' as the organization you'd like to support. Thank you!
Dec 10: METCO Late Bus
Dec 10: Winter Fair Hosted by Grade 5
Dec 13: Photo Retake Day
Dec 13: Alcott School Spirit Day - Sweatshirt Day
Jan 2: Classes Resume following Winter Recess
Jan 14: METCO Late Bus