It’s Time to Order Your 2019 Alcott Yearbook: Cost for each yearbook is: $32.00 if ordered by 4/6, $36.00 if ordered by 4/25. The final deadline to purchase is April 25, 2018. Order online at The password is hello bronson (all lower case with the space). If you have any questions, please email:
YOUR PHOTOS STILL NEEDED! Please submit any photos you would like to be included in the yearbook by APRIL 8th to or Upload to Dropbox - Submit files. Email/upload photos at the highest resolution possible.
Look up! Math night is coming! Weather-themed ‘Cloudy with a Chance of Math’ at 6PM NEXT Friday, March 29th. Games and PRIZES for all! Accessible to all K-5. No dinner? No problem. We’ll have pizza & snacks on hand! Not a drop off event. Sponsored by Alcott PTG.
Kindergarten Registration Information - Volunteers Needed: Alcott is in the process of Kindergarten Registration planning for the 19/20 school year. We are gathering the list of student names eligible for Kindergarten in the Fall. If you know of someone in your neighborhood that has a Kindergarten age child, and has not heard from Alcott School, please ask them to call the school office at 978-318-9544. Kindergarten Registration packets will be mailed out on March 22nd.
Mrs. Atkinson is in need of volunteers to help out on the Kindergarten Registration days, Tuesday April 23rd and Tuesday, April 30th at 1:00 and 2:00 PM. If you can help for an hour or more on either of those days, please email Cheri Driscoll at It should be a fun time greeting the students and their parents while collecting the appropriate paperwork. Thank you!
Original Works.! Original Works is a school-wide fundraiser/art sale. Your child has created artwork in school as part of his or her regular art class- these masterpieces (or a new creation) can be turned into a keepsake of your choice (ex: mugs, ceramic tiles, and magnets- prices range from $5.50-$36) Next week, please be on the lookout for an order form with your child's artwork in their backpack. You can check out Original Works online at Please contact Jane Baldini with any questions.
THE ALCOTT LOST & FOUND NEEDS YOU! Folks, winter has taken its toll on the Alcott Lost & Found—the count is now up to 80+ gloves/mittens/hats, 30+ jackets, 30+ sweatshirts, 20+ water bottles, plus many other items. Please have your student check the L&F regularly for any missing items. ALSO, PLEASE LABEL your student’s belongings with her/his LAST NAME: any labeled items are regularly returned to the student’s classroom. (Initials (“A” or “MC”) written on items do NOT work—please use last names!) We have high hopes that these Lost pieces will be reunited with their owners! ALL LOST & FOUND ITEMS WILL BE DONATED BY APRIL VACATION, so please retrieve your lost items by Thursday, April 11th. If you have any questions, please contact
SEPAC Appreciation Awards: Is there a special teacher, staff member or administrator who has made a positive impact on your child's life? The Concord Public Schools and Concord-Carlisle Regional School District Special Education Parent Advisory Council is delighted to announce the launch of our 3rd Annual SEPAC Appreciation Awards! We are inviting parents and caregivers with children on an IEP or 504 plan to nominate one special person in the public schools who has made a difference to your family this year. The Appreciation Award winners will be honored at the Joint School Committee Meeting on Tuesday, April 23rd. The Awards were introduced two years ago and we have received really positive feedback from the recipients. They told us the acknowledgement and public recognition of their work was highly valued. Please visit to nominate your special person! Nominations will open on Monday, March 18th and will close on Friday, April 12th. If you have any questions, please email us at
YOU’RE INVITED! PLEASE COME AND MEET FELLOW SEPAC PARENTS: Hosted by the Concord Public Schools and Concord-Carlisle Regional School District Special Education Parent Advisory Council. Do you have a child on a IEP or 504 plan? Would you like the opportunity to network? Please join your fellow parents for an informal meet up where we can enjoy coffee and support each other through discussion and the sharing of ideas. When: Thursday, April 11th from 10:00 - 11:30 am. Where: Trail’s End Café, 97 Lowell Road. We will be meeting in the bar area. For planning purposes, please RSVP to Betsy Olsson-Mackowski (
April 9: METCO Late Bus
April 10: PTG Meeting
April 12: School Spirit Day – Crazy Shoe & Slipper Day
April 13: 21 – April Break