PTG Highlights: Town Meeting Monday, Yearbooks on Sale Now, 4/10 PTG Meeting, Lost & Found Clear Out 4/11, Happening at Alcott

Town Meeting is coming up Monday evening, April 8!  Town Meeting is our form of direct governance in Concord, and it’s so important that local citizens participate. There are 6 articles related to the schools this year (listed below for reference), and the hope is to get through all of them Monday night.

School-Related Town Meeting Articles: 

- Article 11:  CPS Operating Budget 
- Article 12:  CPS Capital Expenses
- Article 13:  CPS School Property Fund
- Article 14:  CMS Feasiblity Study and Schematic Design 
- Article 15:  CCHS Operating Budget 
- Article 16:  CCHS Road Repairs and Parking 

It’s Time to Order Your 2019 Alcott Yearbook:  Cost for each yearbook is: $32.00 if ordered by 4/6, $36.00 if ordered by 4/25. The final deadline to purchase is April 25, 2018. Order online at The password is hello bronson (all lower case with the space). If you have any questions, please email:

YOUR PHOTOS STILL NEEDED! Please submit any photos you would like to be included in the yearbook by APRIL 8th to or Upload to Dropbox - Submit files. Email/upload photos at the highest resolution possible.

Please join us Wednesday April 10th at 9:15AM for our monthly PTG meeting in the faculty room. All are welcome ~ hope to see you there!

The Alcott Lost & Found will be CLEARED OUT AND ITEMS WILL BE DONATED by April vacation!  Please retrieve your missing items before Thursday, April 11th. The Lost & Found is located in the cafeteria hallway. If you have any questions, please email

April 9: METCO Late Bus
April 10: PTG Meeting
April 11: Last day to retrieve items from Lost and Found
April 12: School Spirit Day – Crazy Shoe & Slipper Day
April 13: 21 – April Break