New Family Coffee: New or feeling new to Alcott? You are invited to a New Family Open House on Friday, September 6th from 9:15 to 11:00 a.m. at 108 Laurel St. (across from the school). Come meet other new (or newly returning) families, have coffee and pastries, and ask questions or share tips about Alcott! This event is for adults, but babies are welcome. **Since not everyone can break away from work or other commitments on a Friday morning, we will also have an evening event on October 10th at Trails End. More information to follow.**
METCO Family Friends: Welcome back METCO Family Friends! We are very excited about the upcoming year. Please note the following important dates for your calendar: METCO Late Bus dates for 2019/20 are 9/10, 10/8 (apple picking), 11/12, 12/10, 1/14, 2/11 (Bowling), 3/10, 4/14, 5/12, and 6/9 (Ice Cream Social). Please remember that the late bus leaves Alcott promptly at 3pm. The first late bus is next Tuesday, so please reach out to your buddies to make plans and be on the lookout for more info on our apple picking trip coming soon!
September School Lunch Menu: You can access the monthly school lunch menus by visiting the Alcott Homepage, clicking the "Parents" tab and scrolling to the "Lunch Menus" link. The September menu is available here.
Sep 6: New Family Coffee
Sep 10: Back To School Night
Sep 10: METCO Late Bus
Oct 7: Evening PTG Meeting
Oct 8: METCO Late Bus
Oct 10: New Family Meet & Greet
Oct 19: Fall Festival