The Thursday Owl - March 4, 2021


Asymptomatic Pooled Testing: Asymptomatic pooled testing continues next week at Alcott.  If you would still like to sign up your student for inclusion in pooled testing, please enroll through the permission form on the Aspen portal.

Mar 8: Professional Day - No School for Students
Mar 26: Professional Day - No School for Students
Apr 7: Conference Day - No School for Students
Apr 19-23: April Recess - No School

2020-2021 School Calendar


Concord Conservatory of Music Lecture: Serialism for Kids! Join us online Saturday, March 20 from 10:00 – 10:50 am for a complimentary interactive event, Serialism for Kids, presented by CCM piano faculty member Kitty Cheung-Evans. Serialism is a unique way to write music without using major or minor keys. Instead, composers use numbers, shapes, and extreme timbre in an “ordered” way. Get your kids ready to visually and artistically explore the world of Serialism and expand their musicality. All instrumentalists, including singers, are welcome! Kids, at least 8-years old, should know the alphabet, understand negative numbers, and have minimum 3 years training in music. Register at CCM is the area’s non-profit community music school, located at 1317 Main Street in West Concord. (,, (978) 369-0010)

Concord Conservatory of Music’s (CCM) Happy Monday Morning Message: Connecting the Community Through the Joy of Music—With the greater understanding that music is a critical aspect of well-being and connection, CCM developed strategies to keep the music going and engage the community. It instituted “MMM, Your Happy Monday Morning Message,” a weekly email highlighting happy musical news and moments, sent to CCM families and the community-at-large. CCM families and friends now look forward to a musical Monday morning, when their weekly MMM awaits them in their inbox. Stock full of happy music features and songs, the email includes a mélange of upbeat and feel-good stories. These weekly emails spread all the unequivocal benefits of music while keeping the community connected. Sign-up to receive the MMM:

Spring and Summer Registration for Concord Recreation is now OPEN! Head to to check out the full list of classes, programs, and camp details.

Shamrock Ball In A Box! 3/13/2021: Although we cannot gather in large numbers this year we can celebrate family at home! Shamrock Ball in a Box kits will be filled with decorations, a corsage, crafts, raffle tickets and more! This year's virtual event also includes an hour long zoom show with a professional magician/comedian from 7:00-8:00PM.

Concord Esports League (Grades 3-5, 6-12 – Starts April 12th): Our Spring league is ready for sign-ups - we have Madden, Fortnite, Rocket League, and Super Smash Bros ready for your child to play. Represent Concord in the North Shore League and bring home the title!

Drawing for Kids & Exploration in Drawing and Painting: Umbrella Arts is once again offering its popular Drawing for Kids (Ages 5-8, 8-10) classes. A new class, Exploration in Drawing and Painting (Ages 10-14) has kids exploring different ways of seeing and drawing, and then transitioning those skills to paint.

DIY Science Lab (Grades 2-5): Create your own do-it-yourself science toys. Each week we’ll explore and build fun toys and gadgets that you make - and learn the science behind them.

Kids Test Kitchen (Grades 1-5): Kids’ Test Kitchen is on a mission to get young eaters cooking, tasting, and thinking about healthy ingredients! Let’s continue to redefine kid food; LIVE via Zoom! Each class presents students with an opportunity to explore new or familiar foods in their raw, un-manipulated state.

Code Wiz Coding Classes (Ages 7-12): Code Wiz is offering a variety of classes this spring – including Minecraft Coding, Creating Your Own Roblox Game, and Animation! Check out the class listings to learn more about these awesome programs.


Shop through Amazon Smile: Do you shop on Amazon? If so, one easy way to support our PTG is to shop through The AmazonSmile Foundation will donate 0.5% of all qualifying purchases to a charitable organization of your choice. There is no catch and no extra fees; just designate “Alcott School Parent Teacher Group Inc” as your charity, then shop through the “AmazonSmile” link!

Helpful Links:

PTG online volunteer information and sign-up: Please visit our SignUpGenius Page and our website to discover all the ways both working and non-working parents and guardians are needed to support our wonderful staff, students, and families. Have something to offer that you don’t see listed there? There’s a place for you to submit that info as well! We hope to hear from you!