5th Graders' "Reverse" Give a Hoot Awards for Staff Appreciation Week: The Alcott 5th grade class undertook a very special project this spring, with the assistance of the 5th grade parent committee and the warm welcome of Ms. Krakow: the first-ever "Reverse" Give a Hoot Awards! That's right, in the Alcott tradition of recognizing acts of caring and community this time it was the students awarding the Hoots to the teachers and staff. Over the past few weeks, working separately but together, the 5th graders ensured each member of the Alcott team received at least 1 Hoot-- namely, a personalized, hand-written message on a festive Alcott "Give a Hoot" award certificate. When all the Hoot creations were in it was 265 of them, or 5 pounds of Hoots! They were delivered by the Front Office this Monday 5/3 to kick-off Staff Appreciation Week. Over 100 individuals received one, from Alcott teachers to building services staff to crossing guards, bus drivers, and Dr. Hunter. The first reverse Hoot was awarded to Norma Jean Atkinson on her last day before retirement. Thank you to every member of the Alcott team for all that you do for all the students, this year and every year. And to Alcott 5th graders, we celebrate YOU as you celebrate your school! What an incredible, unforgettable act of kindness and joy.
PTG Open Meeting - Friday, May 14, 2021, 9:30am via Zoom
Please join us for our last Open PTG Meeting of the year, via Zoom, next Friday, May 14, 2021 at 9:30am. We will present the 21-22 PTG Executive Board slate for approval and discuss year-end plans and initiatives for the Alcott School students, staff and community. Thank you to our parents, guardians and families for your amazing support during this extraordinary school year. We look forward to being "together" next Friday.
Topic: Alcott PTG Spring Open Meeting
Time: May 14, 2021 09:30 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 898 9702 3185
Passcode: 684435
Alcott Student Garden: The Alcott Student Garden Committee would like to thank Alcott families for the bulbs that were purchased to benefit the garden. The daffodils have added such color and beauty to our school this spring. In addition, proceeds from the bulb sale have gone to purchase the lettuce that the 5th grade is planting, the radish seeds that 2nd grade is planting, and lots of other exciting garden activities to come. We appreciate your support and contribution to the school!
From the Nurse: Spring is a time to get outside and enjoy the fresh air and sunshine! Spring is also a season when ticks become more prevalent. Please read the attached letter for some helpful tips on how to prevent tick bites.
REMINDER - School Picture Day is tomorrow, Friday, May 7: You should have received an order form in your child's backpack - if you didn't no worries!! Go to and follow the prompts to order your child's portraits online.
May 7: School Picture Day
May 12: Alcott Bike to School Day
May 14: Alcott School Spirit Day - Hawaiian Luau Day!
May 14: PTG Spring Open Meeting
May 28: Professional Day - No School for Students
May 31: Memorial Day - No School
Jun 16: Last Day of School
Concord Youth Theatre summer programming. CYT is pleased to offer Summer Stock Troupe, a 3-week workshop to sharpen your performance skilts; Center Stage Players, 1-week creative workshops to satisfy all your dramatic needs! Register Online
Concord Youth Theatre presents Honk, a musical tale of "The Ugly Duckling." May 14-16, 21-23. Tickets are limited to 60 seats per show. Tickets go on sale on May 7th. For more information: Honk Tickets
IMSCC May Student Showcase: This month we are sharing more of the exciting music happening at IMSCC! You can hear this month's featured student performers, including Alcott second grader Eva McEneaney, on our website here.
IMSCC Summer Music Lessons: Enrollment is open for the summer session, June 21 to August 27. In-person lessons are back! Lessons will be offered remotely and on campus at CCHS and the Carlisle School, depending on instructor availability. Summer schedules are flexible: choose your lesson weeks, and choose in-person or remote instruction. For more about summer lessons click here. To request lessons click here. Questions? email Debbie Levine
Reconnection and Wellness: May 11 at 7pm, Presented by Penny Austen (ThinkGive), Amy Bell (School Psychologist, Acton-Boxborough Regional School District), and Adrienne Principe (Turning Life On). In this session we will discuss how the pandemic might have impacted our kids, the challenges they are facing today, and provide insight to help them reengage with their families, peers, and communities. Through conversations and exercises, participants will explore social atrophy, the power of human connection, and digital wellness. Register here
Emerson Hospital 2021 Run~Walk for Cancer Care: Family-Friendly Virtual Event: The Auxiliary of Emerson Hospital and the Auxiliary’s Young Families Committee invite you to join us on team Aux Rox for the Emerson Hospital Run~Walk for Cancer Care, a virtual event to be held May 1 – May 15, 2021 to benefit patients at Mass General Cancer Center at Emerson Hospital – Bethke located in Concord, MA. Anytime over those 2 weeks, choose anywhere and any way to do your 5K—whether you run, walk, pedal, swim, hike, or stroll, always keeping in mind the importance of social distancing. Register every member of the family and receive the same number of souvenir kits OR register just one of you but still do the mileage together. You can even register your pet, or a favorite stuffed animal! Use promo code RWHIGH5 to receive a discount. Click HERE to join us!
Shop through Amazon Smile: Do you shop on Amazon? If so, one easy way to support our PTG is to shop through The AmazonSmile Foundation will donate 0.5% of all qualifying purchases to a charitable organization of your choice. There is no catch and no extra fees; just designate “Alcott School Parent Teacher Group Inc” as your charity, then shop through the “AmazonSmile” link!
Helpful Links:
PTG online volunteer information and sign-up: Please visit our SignUpGenius Page and our website to discover all the ways both working and non-working parents and guardians are needed to support our wonderful staff, students, and families. Have something to offer that you don’t see listed there? There’s a place for you to submit that info as well! We hope to hear from you!