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The Thursday Owl - May 12, 2022

Alcott Spirit Day: Hawaiian Luau

Attention, Alcott Owls! Tomorrow (Friday) May 13th is HAWAIIAN LUAU DAY! Dust off your Hawaiian shirts and wear your most colorful, tropical gear to show off your Alcott school spirit!


Come join your Alcott community this Saturday for a wonderful day of outdoor activities, socializing and fun! Click HERE to register. Click HERE to volunteer.
When: Saturday, May 14th, 1 - 3 PM
Where: Franklin Park, Boston
Who: Concord and Boston families

Each year the 5th Grade students organize a community service project for an organization in need.  This year we have chosen to run a food drive for Open Table.  We will be collecting specific food items during the week of May 16th - 20th.  There will be collection boxes at each grade level and in the front hallway at Alcott.  Please click HERE to see which foods are needed for the food drive. In addition to this, there will also be a collection box at the Spring Fair on Wednesday, May 18th for donated items.

Grade 5 thanks you in advance for your generous donations to make this year's Open Table food drive a success once again!!

5TH GRADE SPRING FAIR next Wednesday, May 18th
The 5th Grade Spring Fair will be held on Wednesday May 18, 9:30 - noon. Students will come with their classroom teachers in 30 minute blocks. The Fair will be held outside and will feature:
* GAMES created by the 5th graders
* RAFFLES with over 25 items on offer
* BOOK SALE with gently used children's books
* CRAFT SALE with some fun crafts made by the 5th graders

What will they need to bring from home?

  • Quarters and dollar bills (everything priced $0.50 - $1.00)

  • About $5 - $10 total is good

  • A shopping bag to carry any items they may buy or win

Unfortunately parents may not attend the fair unless already registered as a volunteer for this event, however, books and crafts that are not sold will be made available for parents to buy at pickup time alongside the playground. (Prices doubled for parents .)

Proceeds go toward the 5th grade fund to support the end-of-year 5th Grade gift to Alcott and the 5th Grade Field Trip. Any questions please contact Kate McEneaney at

ALCOTT FIELD DAY RETURNS - VOLUNTEERS STILL NEEDED!! After 2 years of not being able to hold our annual Alcott all school Field Day it is back and scheduled for Wednesday, May 25, 2022 from 9:00 am - 12:00 pm (Raindate is Friday, June 3, 2022). We will have the entire school outside on our back fields and blacktops participating in 11 stations. We need between 35-40 parent volunteers to make this day a huge success for our students. So dust off those sneakers, get your sunscreen ready and join us for an awesome morning of fun and games.

*** Please respond before Friday, May 21, 2022, so Mr. G can plan accordingly. You can email Mr. G at ***

All volunteers need to have a current CORI filled out with our office. If yours has expired, the office can get you signed up quickly, just reach out to them.

ALCOTT AUCTION UPDATE: The Fundraising Committee would like to extend a huge THANK YOU to our amazing community for all of the generous contributions to last month's Alcott Auction, which was able to raise over $5,000 in funds for the school. If anyone has any questions about how to claim a prize, please reach out to Melissa Karczewski at

SCHOOL SUPPLIES 2022-2023. We've partnered with 1st Day School Supplies to make shopping for your child's supplies super easy! Just click here and purchase your child's supplies for next year (select the grade they will be in for 22-23) and it will be delivered to your child's classroom at Alcott before school starts in August. Please consider purchasing an extra kit or 2 to donate for those in need. Deadline to order is July 1

ALCOTT WEAR: Make sure to get your gear before the school year ends!

Check out the Alcott spirit wear store under the Support tab of the Alcott PTG website or click HERE to find the latest and greatest Alcott wear. Alcott PTG receives 10% back on all items purchased throughout the school year so consider purchasing an item today!

***Every Wednesday is a half-day***

May 14: METCO Family Friends Spring Field Day @ Franklin Park, Boston
May 25: Alcott Field Day
May 30: Memorial Day (no school)

CPS/CCRSD 21-22 School Calendar can be found here


CONCORD-CARLISLE SCHOOL DISTRICT Literacy Multi-Tiered System of Support Presentation
Ever wonder how struggling students get their learning needs met in our schools?
Or, what assessments are given to monitor our educational program?
Or, how dyslexia in students is addressed?

You are cordially invited to a virtual presentation on Monday, May 16, 2022, 7 PM - 8 PM
Zoom Login Link
Meeting ID: 928 2622 5340
Passcode: 704908

This event will be a full slideshow presentation by nine of our faculty with time for Q&A at the end.
MTSS Literacy Presentation 2022

CCHS BOY'S LACROSSE Calling all CC Youth Lacrosse Players, and their friends and family, to come to the CCHS Varsity Boy’s Lacrosse Friday Night Game at 7pm on May 13th at Memorial Field down below. Experience the excitement as the 2021 CCHS Boy’s Lacrosse State Champions take on Austin Prep in their last night game this season. Show your CC pride and wear your CC youth lacrosse uniform!

HUNGRY TO HELP The Concord Free Public Library (CFPL) is introducing a new, monthly program for elementary school children brought to you in partnership by the Library and Open Table, a local food pantry serving Concord and surrounding communities. This hands-on program will take place Wednesday, May 25 and Wednesday, June 29 from 3pm-4pm in the Children’s Activity Room at the Main Library. We will use different stories each month to help educate children and facilitate discussion on food insecurity. Children will decorate a bag and fill it with food provided by Open Table in support of the Open Table Kids' Bags program."

CONCORD CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC Join us for an evening of jazz inspired by classical music. Presenting Where Jazz Meets Classical Concert on Friday, May 20th at 7:30 pm. Guest musicians saxophonist Kenneth Radnofsky and pianist Yoshiko Hiramatsu Kline to perform with CCM faculty members Tsuyoshi Honjo on saxophone and Peter Evans on live electronics and bass clarinet. Purchase tickets in advance at or at the door: $25 for adults and free for students 18 and under.

CONCORD EDUCATION FUND's Spring Barn Party - Bluegrass and BBQ in the Barn! Saturday, May 14th, 7 - 10 pm at the Discovery Barn at Nashoba Brooks School. Please join the Concord Education Fund in supporting our teachers, administrators and schools as we celebrate their hard work to provide innovative programs for our children! We are Parents Supporting Teachers Inspiring Students. Tickets are $50 each - get your tickets HERE.

THOREAU ROAD RACE: Mark your calendars for May 15th and join us for the revival of the Thoreau Road Race after a 2-year deep dark hiatus. We will have an open 5k (9 am) and a kid’s race (10 am), with all proceeds benefiting Thoreau Elementary School. For additional information and to sign up for this outstanding event, please visit our website HERE.

CONCORD FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY will celebrate Korean Family Month with events all May. Click HERE for more information.

Concord Recreation is Hiring!  Do you know someone who is interested in being a camp counselor or lifeguard? Send them the link above! Benefits include:
1. Free Beede membership for themselves and their immediate family
2. Discounts for programs
3. For lifeguard positions, we will train you FOR FREE!

Skyhawks Ultimate Sports  Age-appropriate games that teach teamwork, fair play, tons of energy and even more fun! Join us for the Ultimate Sports program where kids will play dodgeball, kickball, capture the flag and more!

Summer Specialty Camps  Looking for different half day, themed, camps through Concord Rec? Check out our summer specialty camps – plenty of space available!

Youth Disc Golf  Learn the world of Disc Golf with instructor Roseanne Ham!  This program will introduce the sport of Disc Golf by teaching the rules to play on a course, skills of the game (forehand, backhand, and putting throws), scoring, and game play!

Community Yard Sale – May 14th 8:00am-2:00pm  Come join us at our community yard sale at Hunt Recreation Center.

Stow Street Block Party – June 4th 12:00pm-2:00pm  Join Concord Recreation for its 6th Annual Stow Street Block Party and one of the most exciting events of the year. This event will take place on June 4th from 12pm-2pm on Stow Street in Concord. The Stow Street Block Party is a free community event that will feature activities for all ages including Touch a Truck, music, food, games, and more.

Please visit this space for updates on sports, music and theater registration dates, seminars, and more events throughout town.
