Alcott Fall Fest Planning Meeting: You are invited to join the Fall Fest Planning Committee for a meeting and coffee on Wednesday September 25 at 9:30 at the home of Lynn Morel, 8 Ash Street. Please RSVP to if you can attend, but drop-ins are also welcome. We hope to see you there! More information about Fall Fest is posted here. Volunteer opportunities are also posted at this link: 2019 Fall Fest Volunteer Sign Ups
AmazonSmile: Do you shop on Amazon? If so, one easy way to support our PTG is to shop through The AmazonSmile Foundation will donate 0.5% of all qualifying purchases to a charitable organization of your choice. There is no catch and no extra fees, all you have to do is shop through the 'smile' link!
From the Art Room: Welcome back!!!! Kids have been busy in the Art Room these first few weeks of school, drawing and building with paper, scissors, and glue. I'm looking forward to an exciting year of exploration, discovery and creation, using all kinds of art materials. Be on the lookout for a new installation in the hall! For more information about the Art curriculum, visit the Alcott Art Page. Please feel free to email me at with any questions or concerns. Happy September to all! - Barbara Gordon, Alcott Art Teacher
Clothing Recycle Bin: Do you have old rags, clothing and shoes that can't be re-used or donated? Consider dropping them off in the fabric recycling bin at Alcott!! They even take STUFFED ANIMALS/TOYS!!!! View the flyer for more information.
Alcott Chess Club: The Alcott Chess Club has kicked off successfully, but It is not too late to join in the fun! The club meets Thursday mornings, 8AM in the Faculty Lounge. Stop by and check it out. Click here for more information or contact Ken Belt at or 617-332-4483. Chess is for everyone. It's your move.
Library Call for Volunteers: Many of the volunteer spots have been filled for the 2019-20 school year; a big thank you to all who have offered their time for this important role! Currently, there are still volunteer spots open for Mrs. Gleason's 4th grade class on Wednesdays from 10-10:50AM. As a library volunteer, you'll help with checking books in and out, assisting students, shelving and shelf reading. This is a great opportunity to be meaningfully involved in your child's classroom. Even if your time is limited, we can maybe help make it work. Training is provided. If you are interested in volunteering, please click here.
Coffee with the Principal: Our new principal Naomi Krakow will be hosting several informal meet and greets for families throughout the year, with the first one taking place on Friday, September 20, 2019 at 9:30am. Come meet the principal and ask questions!
Parent Social: Please join us for the 2019 Alcott Parent Social on Friday, Sept. 27th at the Ryan's house on 27 Birch Dr. Come catch up with old friends and meet some new ones!! Learn about the PTG and how we support our students and teachers. Don't forget to bring a dish to share and your favorite lawn chair! Please RSVP and indicate what you're bringing - Parent Social Sign-up
Alcott Before/After School Workshop Registration is Open! Looking for before or after school enrichment for your child? Click to view the list of fall workshop offerings here. Start your child’s day off right with a new Mindfulness class, or feel good participating in the community service/Kindness workshop. Stretch your body with Before School Sports or Bollywood dance. Stretch your mind making Stop Motion movies or STEM with Legos. All classes are held at the Alcott School. Financial Aid is available, and all requests remain confidential. Register online at Family ID, or click here for complete registration instructions. Any questions, contact the PTG workshop coordinators at
Sep 20: Principal Coffee
Sep 25: Alcott Fall Fest Planning Meeting
Sep 27: PAL, Parent Social
Oct 7: Evening PTG Meeting
Oct 8: METCO Late Bus
Oct 10: New Family Meet & Greet
Oct 14: No School - Columbus Day
Oct 19: Alcott Fall Fest