PTG Highlights: Parent Social, New Family Evening, Fall Fest + Book Fair, Workshops, Happening at Alcott

Parent Social: Come mingle with friends TOMORROW at the Alcott Parent Social!! Click here for details and to RSVP - please let us know if you can make it!

New Family Evening: New or feeling new to Alcott? Missed the New Family Coffee? You are invited to a New Family Evening on Thursday, October 10th from 7:30 to 9:00PM at Trail’s End Cafe. Come meet other new (or newly returning) families, have light appetizers, and ask questions or share tips about Alcott! This event is for adults. To RSVP for this event, please click here.

Alcott Fall Fest Event and Raffle Tickets On Sale Now! Event tickets are available for purchase online beginning today! NEW this year, you can also pre-purchase raffle tickets! Spend less time standing in line to buy raffle tickets and more time enjoying the event. Purchase your raffle tickets online here and pick up them at the check-in desk on your way into Fall Fest. Pre-sale raffle tickets are $20 for 25 tickets and $40 for 50 tickets (day of event raffle tickets are $1 each) and come with pre-printed name stickers. Simply put the stickers on the tickets and put the tickets in your favorite theme baskets. Click here for a complete list of basket themes and to purchase tickets. Winners will be announced at 3:30 at the event. You do not have to be present to win; winners will be notified via email and/or text. The pre-sale ends on Wednesday October 16th.

Alcott Fall Fest Volunteers: The Alcott Fall Fest needs many volunteers before and during the event - will you help? This is a great way to meet other parents while also supporting our school community. The Fall Fest is Alcott's primary annual fundraiser and supports children's programs and Alcott activities all year long. Fall Fest includes a book fair, food, fun, games, crafts, entertainment, and the ever-popular raffle baskets! This year's event is at Alcott on Saturday October 19th from 1-4 pm with set up from 10-noon and clean up from 4-6 pm.

Help is needed in many areas including raffle ticket sales, food sales, games, crafts, set up and clean up. If an hour is too long, consider sharing a sign up spot with a spouse or a friend. Any time is appreciated! We know that many families have busy Saturday schedules with sports and family activities, but we hope that you will find some time before or after other activities to join us that day. Many students attend in their sport uniforms before or after games. Click here to learn more and please consider volunteering at this important event, you can sign up at: 2019 Fall Fest Volunteer Sign Ups.

Alcott Book Fair: Kicking off at Fall Fest on 10/19, the Alcott Book Fair is a great way to create some reading buzz, support Alcott programming and donate books to classrooms. Please keep an eye out for Book Fair Volunteer Sign-ups, which are coming soon!

Alcott Before/After School Workshop - Registration closes this week! Looking for before or after school enrichment for your child? Register before it closes this Sunday 9/29. Click to view the list of fall workshop offerings here. Come try out Before School Sports, Bollywood, STEM with Lego’s, Stop Motion Animation, Mindfulness and more. Register online at Family ID, or click here for complete registration instructions. All classes are held at the Alcott School. Financial Aid is available, and all requests remain confidential. Any questions, contact the PTG workshop coordinators at

Sep 26: Fall Fest Event and Raffle Tickets Pre-sale Begins
Sep 27: PAL, Parent Social
Oct 7: Evening PTG Meeting
Oct 8: METCO Late Bus
Oct 10: New Family Evening
Oct 14: No School - Columbus Day
Oct 16: Fall Fest Event and Raffle Ticket Pre-sale Ends
Oct 19: Alcott Fall Fest
Oct. 19, 21-23: Book Fair
Oct. 29: Turkey Trot
Nov. 6: Conferences (No School)