Open PTG Meeting - Wednesday, February 24, 2021, 6:30pm via Zoom
Please join us for our winter Open PTG Meeting via Zoom, next Thursday, February 11, 2021 at 6:30pm. We will be discussing current initiatives, as well as future events and plans for the Alcott School students, staff and community. Thank you to our parents, guardians and families for your amazing support during this atypical school year. We look forward to seeing you there!
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 823 4821 5302
Passcode: 092273
From Alcott Fifth Graders - Many Thanks for Your Food Drive Donations: Grade 5 students and teachers would like to thank all the Alcott families who contributed so generously to the Open Table Food Drive over the past two weeks. With your help, we were able to collect more food than ever before, at a time when it is especially needed. Open Table volunteers will be picking up the food this week and filling their shelves with your donations. Many, many thanks for helping us make this a great success!
From the Art Room: It's time to start saving cardboard stuff for Art! Please start saving some cardboard stuff for us to use for Art projects. Clean cardboard tubes, small boxes, egg cartons, etc., are great for building cardboard sculptures.
Middle School Building Project Community Forum to be held 2/24: The Middle School Building Committee invites you to our next Community Forum, to be held Wednesday, February 24 at 7:00pm via Zoom. We hope you will join us to hear more about proposed program plans and input we’ve collected so far, to give us further feedback, and to have your questions answered. Forum details and Zoom link are provided in the flyer.
Alcott Staff Winter Staff Appreciation Luncheon: Like all school traditions, the Alcott Staff Winter Staff Appreciation Luncheon looks a little different this year. That said, we are more grateful than ever for the efforts of every teacher, specialist, support staff member, bus driver, and crossing guard! We are planning to supply boxed pre-made lunches from Concord Market the week of March 8th. We usually ask our chefs and bakers to contribute pot luck dishes, but this year a one-time financial contribution would be appreciated. To make a financial contribution, please submit your contribution electronically to by 2/26. You may also send in a check payable to the Alcott PTG with “Staff Appreciation” in the memo line that your student drops off in the Alcott office. Many thanks! If you have further questions, please email or