The Thursday Owl - February 4, 2021


Fifth Grade FOOD Drive To Benefit Open Table Ends Tomorrow (2/5): Please bring in donations of non-perishable food items - like soup, beans, vegetables, chili, and tuna. You can send donations in with your student or drop them off in the bin outside the front door of the school. All donations will be sorted and packed by fifth graders and delivered to Open Table before February vacation. Many thanks for your support of this great organization!

Alcott Garden Club Informational Meeting: Do you know something about gardening? Do you know something about fundraising? Do you know nothing about either, but just love fresh veggies? The Alcott Student Garden is about to enter its busy planting and teaching period, so this is a great time of year to spread the word about the Garden Committee! On Wednesday, Feb. 10th from 9:30-9:50am, the Garden Committee will host an introduction to the garden for any interested families. We will share the mission, the opportunities to help out, the perks of joining the committee, and the needs for next year. If this weren’t Covid-times, we’d be hosting a coffee, so please bring your morning coffee to your desk and join our zoom to find out more about what’s going on in the garden. No volunteer sign-ups will happen in the meeting. It is purely an informational meeting!

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 749 9490 6172
Passcode: 507727

Show your appreciation to Alcott teachers and staff with a $5 purchase for a single long-stemmed rose and support the Alcott PTG too!  Place your order before February 10th using the link below, and tell us who you want to show your appreciation to this Valentine’s Day.  On February 12th, the PTG will brighten their day with the delivery from you.  Let’s shower our teachers, specialists, tutors, front office staff, the nurse, crossing guards, bus drivers and administrators with roses as a thank you for all they have done this school year! Place your order here:

Alcott Staff Winter Staff Appreciation Luncheon: Like all school traditions, the Alcott Staff Winter Staff Appreciation Luncheon looks a little different this year. That said, we are more grateful than ever for the efforts of every teacher, specialist, support staff member, bus driver, and crossing guard! We are planning to supply boxed pre-made lunches from Concord Market the week of March 8th.  We usually ask our chefs and bakers to contribute pot luck dishes, but this year a one-time financial contribution would be appreciated. To Make a Financial Contribution, please submit your contribution electronically to by 2/26.  You may also send in a check payable to the Alcott PTG with “Staff Appreciation” in the memo line that your student drops off in the Alcott office. Many thanks! If you have further questions, please email or